Agenda item
Statement of Community Involvement
- Meeting of Executive, Wednesday, 4th October, 2023 10.00 am (Item 47.)
- View the background to item 47.
To consider the report.
Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the Executive formally adopted the Statement of Community Involvement (Appendix 1 to the report).
ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED: As set out in the officer report
REASON FOR DECISION: As set out in the officer report
The Leader of the Council and Lead Member for Governance and Communications, Cllr Bill Revans, invited the Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning and Assets, Cllr Ros Wyke, to introduce the report.
The Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning and Assets, Cllr Ros Wyke, introduced the report, highlighting: the requirement of Somerset Council to prepare a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) to set out how and when the Council will engage with local communities and other interested parties when carrying out its statutory planning functions; that the SCI includes consultation on both planning applications and the preparation of planning policy documents, such as the Local Plan; that the preparation of a new single SCI for the whole new unitary area is essential to ensure a consistent approach to engagement is taken across all communities; and that following public consultation, the final SCI document had been amended significantly in response to feedback received.
The Principal Policy Officer – Policy, Andy Reading, with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation, presented the report, highlighting: the legal requirements to be met by Somerset Council; that the SCI is a high level document setting out statutory legal requirements over consultation which covers engagement on planning policy, i.e. local plan, neighbourhood plan and determination of planning applications; that the SCI will replace the existing five separate SCIs of the former Districts and County Councils; that consultation on the draft SCI was undertaken during Spring 2023 prior to vesting day for a six-week period; following consultation, the content of the SCI has been reviewed and amended as appropriate to take into account comments received; summarised the consultees / interest groups, consultation statement and review of comments received, subsequent changes and key points of the received comments; summarised the main changes and key points of changes following consultation; and that there are detailed communication engagement strategies which will be prepared for particular elements of planning.
The Leader of the Council and Lead Member for Governance and Communications, Cllr Bill Revans, reminded Members of the need for a structured debate and invited comments from other Members present, questions and points raised included: the comments and discussion from the Scrutiny Committee – Climate and Place held 20 September 2023: including consultation with the local community and the statutory requirements for notification on planning applications, the use of site notices and adjudicate neighbour notifications, an all Member briefing request – planning application process including notification and consultation (specifically neighbour and community), and small applications and use of website notifications; the scale of development and the effect on the area; the minimum statutory requirements of an SCI and the document presented; the role of a Unitary Councillor, particularly in a rural area; Parish, Town and City Councils engagement, consultation on planning applications and the closer alignment for improved understanding; and the constitutional review work for community involvement in planning.
The Assistant Director, Strategic Planning, Alison Blom-Cooper, advised of the current different practises across the different area teams and the work to make the practises consistent and confirmed the plan for an all Member briefing to be provided. The Assistant Director, Strategic Planning further added that the planning team welcomed comments from Parish, Town and City Councils in terms of their local knowledge and bringing issues to officers' attention.
The Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning and Assets, Cllr Ros Wyke, advised the Executive of the change in the process whereby Parish Councils can now refer directly to the Planning Chairs and Vice-Chairs.
Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the Executive formally adopted the Statement of Community Involvement (Appendix 1 to the report).
ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED: As set out in the officer report
REASON FOR DECISION: As set out in the officer report
Supporting documents:
Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) Report, item 47.
Appendix 1 - SCI, item 47.
PDF 529 KB
Appendix 2 - SCI Consultation Statement, item 47.
PDF 902 KB
Appendix 3 - Equality Impact Assessment, item 47.
PDF 150 KB
SCI presentation 4 October 2023, item 47.
PDF 564 KB