Agenda item

Planning Application 3/39/21/028 - Land to the North of the Transmitting Station, Washford, Williton

To consider an application for installation of a ground mounted solar farm with battery storage and associated development





That application 3/39/21/028 for the installation of a ground mounted solar farm with battery storage and associated development on land to the north of the Transmitting Station, Washford, Williton be REFUSED permission for the following reasons:


1.      The proposed development due to its scale, location, layout and appearance fails to take into account the local visual adverse impact on the landscape, notably in relation to the Exmoor National Park and the Quantock Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), and is therefore contrary to Policy SD1, CC1 and NH5 and NH14 of the West Somerset Local Plan to 2032 (2016).


2.     The proposed development due to its scale and layout would result in the loss of Best and Most Versatile (BMV) Agricultural Land contrary to Policy NH8 of the West Somerset Local Plan to 2032 (2016)


(voting: unanimous in favour of refusal)




The Planning Officer introduced the application to the Committee with the assistance of a power point presentation.  He provided the following updates including:

·       Reiterated the development would be for a temporary period of 40 years.

·       There would be no permanent change of land use.

·       Provided brief overview of late representations.

·       Clarified that personal circumstances could be a material consideration but only in exceptional or special cases and that it was for Members to decide whether it was justified to take them into account and the weight to be afforded to them in the planning balance.

·       Updated on the consultation and discussions taken place regarding concerns raised around utilities and potential fire risk. 


He also referred to the key considerations.  The recommendation was for approval.


Five members of the public addressed the committee in objection to the application, and some of their comments included:

·       Development would be detrimental to the farmland and have a huge impact on the operation and viability of the farms.

·       Adverse impact on the visitor’s perception of area.

·       40 years is not temporary, the damage to the soil and wildlife would be irreversible.

·       Tenant farmers circumstances were a material consideration that should be considered.

·       Contrary to local plan policies and not given true consideration.

·       Development would have huge impact on the landscape character and visual amenity of the area.

·       Unsuitable location for a solar development that would industrialise the local landscape.

·       Should not presume that every proposal that provides green energy should be approved, and that suitable alternative options should be explored.

·       Supportive of renewable energy but not at the loss of best and most versatile agricultural land.


The Committee were addressed by a representative of the Williton Parish Council, Nettlecombe Parish Council and Old Cleeve Parish Council. Some of their comments included:

·       Appreciate the need to contribute to green energy but not at the loss of good agricultural land and the ability to grow valuable crops on this land.

·       Development would have huge impact on the viability of the local farm businesses and local tourism.

·       This location is not suitable for this solar farm development and that alternative options and locations should be sought.

·       No local employment benefits.

·       Contrary to local plan policies and the Council’s climate emergency strategy.


The Committee were addressed by the agent.  Some of his comments included:

·       Permission was for a limited period of 40 years.

·       Applicant fully engaged with the community and the proposal had been refined to address issues raised.

·       Consider the public benefits outweigh any levels of harm and loss of any agricultural land.

·       Compliant with local plan policies and believe it to be a sustainable development for solar regeneration.


The Committee were addressed by the Division Member for the application.  Some of her comments included:

·       This site was very visible and a main tourist route into the area.  The proposal would destroy this and have a detrimental impact on the tourism for the area.

·       Loss of prime agricultural land.


Councillor Rosemary Woods, having earlier declared that she was predetermined, then moved to the public seating and took no further part in consideration of this item.


Following legal advice, Cllr Steven Pugsley wished to declare a personal interest that he was an appointed representative of the Exmoor National Park Authority.


During discussion, the following points were made by Members: -

·       Proposal would have an adverse visual impact on the landscape and AONB.

·       Concern for the tenant farmer and viability of the farm businesses and that personal circumstances should be considered.

·       Do not believe 40 years is temporary.

·       Would result in the loss of best and most versatile agricultural land and the damage would be irreversible.

·       Questioned the Biodiversity Net Gain.

·       Adverse impact on the listed buildings, setting of the national park and noted the Heritage England objection.

·       Appreciate the need for sustainable energy however this does not outweigh the harms associated with this proposal.

·       Believe it contrary to policy given the degree of quality and grading classification of the agricultural land.


The Solicitor and Planning Officer responded to technical questions and specific points of detail raised by Members including:

·       The definition of ‘temporary’ regarding the period of time this application seeks to permit.

·       Personal circumstances.  It was clarified that Officers were not advising Members that they were unable to take personal circumstances into account. Personal circumstances were capable of being material considerations, but only exceptionally. It was a matter for Members to consider and decide whether the circumstances of the tenant farmers were exceptional and should be treated a material and, if so, the weight to be afforded to the same in the planning balance.  It was the view of Officers that little or no weight could be afforded, but ultimately it was a matter for Members to determine.

·       Agricultural land classification and gradings.


At the conclusion of the debate, it was proposed by Councillor Simon Coles and seconded by Councillor Gwil Wren to refuse the application contrary to the Planning Officer’s recommendation for the following reasons:


1.   The proposed development due to scale, and layout would result in the loss of best and most versatile agricultural land which is contrary to Policy NH8 of the West Somerset Local Plan to 2032.


2.   The proposed development due to its scale, layout, location and appearance fails to take into account the local visual adverse impact upon the local landscape notably in relation to the Exmoor National Park and the Quantock Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and is therefore contrary to Policies SD1, CC1, NH5 and NH14 of the West Somerset Local Plan to 2032.


On being put to the vote the proposal was carried unanimously. 




That application 3/39/21/028 for the installation of a ground mounted solar farm with battery storage and associated development on land to the north of the Transmitting Station, Washford, Williton be REFUSED permission for the following reasons:


1.   The proposed development due to scale, and layout would result in the loss of best and most versatile agricultural land which is contrary to Policy NH8 of the West Somerset Local Plan to 2032.


2.   The proposed development due to its scale, layout, location and appearance fails to take into account the local visual adverse impact on the landscape notably in relation to the Exmoor National Park and the Quantock Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and is therefore contrary to Policies SD1, CC1, NH5 and NH14 of the West Somerset Local Plan to 2032.


(voting: unanimous in favour of refusal)


Supporting documents: