Agenda item

Report of the Special Members Panel - Somerset Council Redundancies Arising from Implementation of the Senior Leadership Structure - Decision


The Chair of the Special Members Panel, Councillor Bill Revans, introduced the report which set out the recommendations to Council which arose from the consideration of the report at the Special Members Panel meeting held on 10 May 2023.


The purpose of the report was to present details of proposed dismissals on account of redundancy in relation to the creation of Somerset Council and the appointments to its Senior Leadership Team.  It provided recommendations on the role of Full Council in relation to those dismissals and requested the necessary delegation to the Somerset Council Chief Executive to finalise details of the payments associated with the redundancies, in line with the appropriate legislation and policies.


The Council discussed the report and the following points were raised:-

  • Councillors gave their sincere thanks and appreciation to all the officers affected and noted the loss of experience and expertise to the Council.
  • Councillors urged that the remainder of the recruitment process be undertaken as soon as practicably possible for the officers in the remaining tiers, as concern was raised on morale and mental health for those waiting for the outcome of any re-structuring of departments.
  • Councillors highlighted that the detail within the report was formed as part of the original unitary bid and thanked the officers who had worked on the business case.
  • The Leader of Council thanked all councillors for their comments and reminded all that the Council had to follow the legal and fair process for the recruitment.


Councillor Bill Revans proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Councillor Faye Purbrick.


Having been duly proposed and seconded the Council RESOLVED to accept the following in response to the Special Members Panel report “Somerset Council Redundancies Arising from Implementation of the Senior Leadership Structure” (Appendix B) considered by the Special Members Panel on 10 May 2023:

2.1.1        Approve the recommendations of the Special Members Panel, in respect of the proposed dismissals on account of redundancy of current and former chief/deputy chief officer posts and associated costs set out in section 9.3 of Appendix B to the report.

2.1.2       Approve the severance costs for posts as set out in section 8.2 of Appendix B, where Full Council approval was required for costs that exceeded £100,000.

2.1.3       Note the decisions of the Special Members Panel, in respect of dismissals on account of redundancy for posts that were not included in 2.1.1 - 2.1.2, above. 

2.1.4       Delegate authority to the Chief Executive to agree the final date of dismissal and the final redundancy packages, noting that such settlements would not exceed contractual redundancy pay, the payment required under statute to the Local Government Pension Scheme, or the requirement for Full Council approval for any severance payment that exceeded £100,000.


The Chief Executive, Duncan Sharkey, highlighted an addendum to the paper regarding a non-Local Government Review related redundancy associated to the cancellation of the Libraries West contract.


Councillor Bill Revans proposed the recommendations included within the addendum report which were seconded by Councillor Mandy Chilcott.


Having been duly proposed and seconded the Council RESOLVED to:

2.1           Approve the costs of the redundancy, as set out in Appendix One. 

2.2           Delegate authority to the Chief Executive to agree the final date of dismissal and the final redundancy package, noting that the settlement would not exceed contractual redundancy pay or the payment required under statute to the Local Government Pension Scheme. 

2.3          Delegate authority to the Service Director to conclude discussions on the contribution from partner organisations towards redundancy costs. 

Supporting documents: