Agenda item

19/22/0023 Erection of a detached garage with store and office above at Deep Springs, Village Road, Hatch Beauchamp


The Officer’s Report stated that this application had been referred to the Planning Committee West as the agent submitting the application is an agency member of staff working in the Employment, Economy and Planning Service.


The Recommendation was that permission be granted subject to conditions. 


The proposal is considered to comply with policy and would not have an adverse impact upon the neighbouring properties.  Amended plans had been submitted reducing the height by approximately 1 metre, taking into account the comments received from the Parish Council.  The dimensions of the building measure approximately 7 metres tall by 9.5 metres wide and 7 metres deep.


The Planning Officer outlined the application to the Committee with the assistance of a presentation.


There were no public speakers for this application. 


Discussion took place around:


·       The height and how it compared to the historic application.  The Planning Officer confirmed that the original application approved in 2019 didn’t have the store above but this one does to make a home office in the store.  Also, that the height of the garage was 7 metres tall and designed to accommodate a motor home, and that conditions 3 and 4 in the report relate to it as a residential garage.  It cannot be changed without a further planning permission.


·       Whether residents would be aware that the plans had changed and were given the opportunity to comment on the amended plans.  The Planning Officer confirmed any amended plans go back out to consultation.


·       Whether the structure would be visible from the road.  The Planning Officer confirmed that there would be glimpses only.


·       In terms of condition 1, what the time limit three years related to.  Officers confirmed that condition 1 limits the life of the planning permission and means that work would need to begin within 3 years of the date of the planning permission.


·       In terms of condition 2, what is meant by drawing numbers.  Officers confirmed that if the Committee decides to approve the application the plans would be included in Condition 2 so the developer is clear about what is permitted when they carry out the building work


·       In respect of conditions 3 and 4, relating to the garage being retained for parking and ancillary use of the garage and office, and what that meant.  Officers confirmed it would be ancillary to residential use of the building known as Deep Springs.  Many people work from home now so that would be appropriate but if the it could not be used as an independent commercial unit without coming back for a separate new planning permission. 


·       Whether the conditions were enforceable.  Officers confirmed that the conditions are enforceable and if the Council received a complaint, the enforcement officer would carry out a visit and issue an enforcement notice if appropriate. 


The Committee RESOLVED that planning application 19/22/0023 be approved in accordance with the Officer’s Recommendation which was that permission be granted subject to conditions.


Proposed by Cllr Steven Pugsley; seconded by Cllr Caroline Ellis


On being put to the vote the proposal was carried unanimously by 11 votes in favour, 0 vote against and 0 abstentions.


Cllr Derek Perry arrived at the meeting at 1.25pm, prior to the commencement of agenda item 6.


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