Browse meetings

Scrutiny Committee - Communities

This page lists the meetings for Scrutiny Committee - Communities.


Information about Scrutiny Committee - Communities

Every council with an executive management structure has to have an overview and scrutiny function. Somerset Council has appointed five scrutiny committees to perform this function:

·       Adults and Health

·       Children and Families

·       Climate and Place

·       Communities

·       Corporate and Resources


The scrutiny committees each fulfil a check and challenge function for decisions and policies made by the Executive.


Scrutiny for Policies and Communities

Functional areas that are the responsibility of the Committee cover personal services to individuals as follows:



·       Strategy and HRA Business Plan

·       Arms Length Management Organisation

·       Homelessness - Rough Sleepers pathway

·       Housing Options & Allocations – Homefinder Somerset

·       Housing and Leaseholder Management

·       Housing Maintenance - Responsive and Planned (capital programme), compliance, void management

·       Housing Development & Regeneration

·       Tenant Services –Worklessness & Tenancy Management (new tenancies, income, debt and benefit support, rent setting, service charges tenancy compliance)

·       Sheltered and Extra Care

·       Housing Property Service

·       Registered Providers and Partnerships

·       Gypsy, Traveller and Van Dweller Services

·       People Displacement Schemes and Services


Customer Services:

·       Customer Service Strategy and Standards

·       Corporate Customer Services

·       Compliments & Complaints, Ombudsman cases

·       Local Service Centres

·       Customer Engagement and Access


Cultural Services:

·       Libraries, Museums, Theatres

·       Leisure Centres, Facilities and Services (contract and direct)

·       Sports Development Partnership

·       Heritage Assets

·       Arts Centres, Facilities, Services and Development

·       Culture Facilities, Services and Development

·       Tourism Facilities, Services and Development

·       Community Facilities


Regulatory and Operational Services:

·       Environmental Health and Licensing

·       Registrars

·       Coroners

·       Environmental Protection and Enviro-crime

·       Building Control

·       Port Health Authority

·       CCTV and anti-social behaviour

·       Safety Advisory Group

·       Private Sector Housing

·       Street Cleansing

·       Grounds Maintenance

·       Unauthorised encampments

·       Parks and Play Areas

·       Public Toilets

·       Dog Wardens

·       Bereavement Services

·       Fairs and Markets


For further details, please see the Constitution or email Democratic Services on