Browse meetings

Scrutiny Committee - Climate and Place

This page lists the meetings for Scrutiny Committee - Climate and Place.

Information about Scrutiny Committee - Climate and Place

Every council with an executive management structure has to have an overview and scrutiny function. Somerset Council has appointed five scrutiny committees to perform this function:

·       Adults and Health

·       Children and Families

·       Climate and Place

·       Communities

·       Corporate and Resources


The scrutiny committees each fulfil a check and challenge function for decisions and policies made by the Executive.


Climate and Place

Functional areas that are the responsibility of the Committee are as follows:


Climate, Environment and Sustainability:

·       Carbon Neutrality

·       Climate Resilience and Adaptation

·       Renewable Energy

·       Country Parks, Local Nature Recovery Strategy, Local Nature Reserves, AONB Partnerships (Countryside Services)

·       Biodiversity (and net gain) and Ecology

·       Sustainability

·       Waste Service

·       Emergency Planning and Business Continuity

·       Water Management

·       Flooding Response

·       Coastal Protection Authority

·       Somerset Rivers Authority


Infrastructure & Transport:

·       Highways Authority

·       Public Rights of Way

·       Parking

·       Active Travel

·       Traffic Management

·       Transport

·       Public Transport

·       Fleet Management

·       Contracted Transport

·       Strategic Transport Planning

·       Road Safety

·       Infrastructure Commissioning


Economy, Employment & Planning:

·       Economic Development

·       Planning (conservation, enforcement, DM, local plan, waste and minerals, s106 allocations/CIL, Phosphates)

·       Affordable Housing and Enabling

·       City/Town Centre Management

·       Trading Standards (Devon partnership)

·       Skills

·       Education Business Partnership

·       Economic infrastructure , services and Innovation Centres

·       Regeneration (non-housing)

·       Major Projects

·       Nuclear Power

·       Scientific Services


For further details, please see the Constitution or email Democratic Services on