Browse meetings

Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families

This page lists the meetings for Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families.


Information about Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families

Every council with an executive management structure has to have an overview and scrutiny function. Somerset Council has appointed five scrutiny committees to perform this function:

·       Adults and Health

·       Children and Families

·       Climate and Place

·       Communities

·       Corporate and Resources


The scrutiny committees each fulfil a check and challenge function for decisions and policies made by the Executive.


Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families

Functional areas that are the responsibility of the Committee are as follows:

·       Investing in and improving school facilities

·       Education, Training & Skills

·       Improving the health of children & young people

·       Supporting educational achievement and improved outcomes for children & young people

·       Improving young people’s prospects and skills

·       Delivery of Personalisation Agenda and Personal Budgets

·       Protect and care for the most vulnerable

·       Support and recruit more adopters and fosterers of children

·       Improve prospects of disadvantaged children and young people and their families, and those at risk of being disadvantaged

·       Specialist services for children with disabilities

·       Special Educational Needs

·       Safeguarding children

·       School admissions

·       Academy conversions.

·       Youth offending and targeted youth work

·       Early years and children’s centres

·       Appointment of school governors


The membership of the Committee includes 2 co-opted church representatives, 2 co-opted parent governor representatives, 2 school governor representatives and 1 representative from the Schools Forum. These co-opted members have voting rights on education matters.


For further details, please see the Constitution or email Democratic Services on