Browse meetings

Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

This page lists the meetings for Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources.

Information about Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources

Every council with an executive management structure has to have an overview and scrutiny function. Somerset Council has appointed five scrutiny committees to perform this function:

·       Adults and Health

·       Children and Families

·       Climate and Place

·       Communities

·       Corporate and Resources


The scrutiny committees each fulfil a check and challenge function for decisions and policies made by the Executive.


Corporate and Resources

Functional areas that are the responsibility of the Committee are as follows:

·       Finance and Procurement

·       Strategic Asset Management

·       ICT

·       Partnerships and Localities

·       Strategy and Performance

·       Legal, Democratic and Governance

·       Budget Monitoring and Financial Scrutiny

·       Workforce

·       Business Change and Transformation


For further details, please see the Constitution or email Democratic Services on