Browse meetings

Constitution and Governance Committee

This page lists the meetings for Constitution and Governance Committee.

Information about Constitution and Governance Committee

The purpose of the Constitution and Governance Committee is to:

a)    Maintain an effective, up to date and legally compliant Constitution.

b)    Consider proposals from Council committees for changes to the constitutional arrangements of the Council.

c)    Submit an annual report to the Council recommending a revised Constitution for approval to the Council’s Annual General Meeting. See notes below.

d)    Receive assurance from the Returning Officer regarding the administration of any elections;

e)    Oversee the Council’s input and response to boundary or electoral reviews as required by the Boundary Commission.


Notes: The functions of the Committee exclude approval of:

·       Any changes to the operational arrangements of the Council including the Committee structure – which will be referred to Council for approval as a recommendation

·       The Scheme of Members’ Allowances which is approved by the Council on the recommendation of the Independent Remuneration Panel;

·       The Council’s executive arrangements, which are the responsibility of the Leader of Council;

·       Any change to the Council’s model of democratic governance under the Localism Act 2011.


Terms of Reference

1)    Maintain an overview of all aspects of the Council’s Constitution not otherwise reserved to the Standards Committee including but not limited to decision-making, Contract Procedure Rules and Financial Procedure Rules. Any proposed changes to the Council’s Constitution are to be recommended to Council for approval.

2)    Review any issue referred to it within these Terms of Reference by the Chief Executive, Monitoring Officer, Section 151 Officer or any Body of the Council.

3)    Consider the Council’s corporate governance arrangements and make recommendations to ensure compliance best practice.

4)    Such other matters as required by law or guidance to be the proper remit of the Constitution and Governance Committee.


For further details, please see the Constitution or email Democratic Services on