Every council with an
executive management structure has to have an overview and scrutiny
function. Somerset Council has appointed five scrutiny committees
to perform this function:
Adults and Health
Children and Families
Climate and Place
Corporate and Resources
The scrutiny committees each
fulfil a check and challenge function for decisions and policies
made by the Executive.
Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families
Functional areas that are
the responsibility of the Committee are as follows:
Investing in and improving school
Education, Training & Skills
Improving the health of children & young
Supporting educational achievement and improved
outcomes for children & young people
Improving young people’s prospects and
Delivery of Personalisation Agenda and Personal
Protect and care for the most vulnerable
Support and recruit more adopters and fosterers of
Improve prospects of disadvantaged children and
young people and their families, and those at risk of being
Specialist services for children with
Special Educational Needs
Safeguarding children
School admissions
Academy conversions.
Youth offending and targeted youth work
Early years and children’s centres
Appointment of school governors
The membership of the Committee
includes 2 co-opted church representatives, 2 co-opted parent
governor representatives, 2 school governor representatives and 1
representative from the Schools Forum. These co-opted members have
voting rights on education matters.
For further details, please see
Constitution or email Democratic Services on democratic@somerset.gov.uk