No. |
Item |
1. |
Apologies for Absence
To receive any
apologies for absence.
2. |
Minutes from the Previous Meeting PDF 126 KB
To approve the minutes
from the previous meeting.
Additional documents:
3. |
Declarations of Interest
To receive and note any
declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the
agenda for consideration at this meeting.
(The other registrable
interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from
membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local
Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes:
City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors
2023 )
4. |
Public Question Time PDF 82 KB
The Chair to advise the
Committee of any items on which members of the public have
requested to speak and advise those members of the public present
of the details of the Council’s public participation
For those members of the
public who have submitted any questions or statements, please note,
a three minute time limit applies to each speaker and you will be asked
to speak before Councillors debate the issue.
We are now live webcasting
most of our committee meetings and you are welcome to view and
listen to the discussion. The link to each webcast will be
available on the meeting webpage, please see details under
‘click here to join online meeting’.
5. |
Executive Forward Plan
6. |
Somerset Council Improvement and Transformation Programme – December Update PDF 185 KB
Additional documents:
consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the
Executive resolved to note the latest progress update report
- The progress made in the month
from 12 October – 8 November 2024.
- The current assessment of
programme risks which includes those with a score of 16 or higher
that may arise during the change process, along with the status of
actions to mitigate these risks, as detailed in Appendix A
7. |
2024/25 General Fund Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report - Month 6 (Qtr2) PDF 424 KB
Additional documents:
consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the
Executive resolved to:
- Note Council is now forecasting a
balanced revenue position (on-budget).
- Note the total Council Revenue
forecast underspend of £8.479m for the year. There is a
forecast underspend of £2.419m within Service Directorates
for 2024/25 and the Corporate Contingency of £6.000m, whilst
remains unallocated it has been released into the forecast outturn
within budget lines Table 1.
- Note that the planned use of
reserves of £36.800m for Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP)
Support towards the budget is forecast to reduce by of
£8.479m to £28.321m, due to the forecast underspend
within budget lines.
- Agree that mitigating actions are
to be identified in order to reduce any
overspends, to take action and to contribute to the long-term
financial sustainability of the authority.
- Agree that the Council continues
with the aim of avoiding a Section 114 notice by taking
all of the necessary actions and
continuing to operate as if one has been issued.
- Note the progress and delivered
savings of £13.114m of the approved savings programme as set
out in Table 2 and Appendix J.
- Note that work will continue to
find mitigating or substitute savings for the £0.432m of Red
unachievable savings, deliver the £5.142m Amber at risk
savings and the £20.189m Green on track
- Note the in-year forecast
overspend on the Dedicated Schools Grant of £28.259m, an
increase of £2.419m from Month 5 (in paragraph
- Note the total forecast Dedicated
Schools Grant year-end deficit of £64.199m as set out in
Appendix C.
- Note the collection rates for
Council Tax and Business Rates as set out in paragraph
- Note the quarterly update on the
prudential indicators detailed in Appendix L.
- Note the outstanding debt
position as detailed in Chart 3 and Appendix M.
- Note the level of General
Reserves is £52.4m (risk-based assessment – minimum
£30m, maximum £60m).
- Approve the additional Quarter 2
capital slippage of £75.690m into future
- Approve £22.123m of
externally funded additions to the capital programme, as detailed
in Section 34 of this report.
- Note £2.708m of virements
within the capital programme, as shown in Appendix
8. |
2024/25 Housing Revenue Account Revenue & Capital Budget Monitoring Report - Qtr2 PDF 374 KB
Additional documents:
consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the
Executive resolved to:
- Note the Housing Revenue Account
forecast overspend of £1.717m for 2024/25, the mitigations
actions in the report and the impact on the HRA General Fund
Reserve of this overspend.
- Agree to take further mitigating
actions to pull back the forecast overspend for the next quarter
and by outturn.
- Note the forecast outturn
position of the Capital Programme of £55.172m for
- Approve slippage of
£37.723m into future years.
- Note the Capital virements in
paragraph 27.
9. |
Budget Proposals 2025/26 to 2029/30 PDF 300 KB
Additional documents:
consideration of the officer report, appendices and
discussion, the
Executive resolved to:
- Agree the new Budget Savings for
2025/26 of £43.950m as set out in Appendix A
- Agree the substitution of the
£9.000m saving in 2025/26 as per paragraph 22.
- Note the revised 2025/26 budget
gap of £53.846m after taking into
account the proposed savings and
- Recommend the savings and
substitution to Full Council
- Agree that the Council continues
with the aim of avoiding a Section 114 notice by taking
all of the necessary actions and
continuing to operate as if one had been issued.
10. |
Q2 Corporate Performance Management Report PDF 389 KB
Additional documents:
consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the
Executive resolved to review the performance information provided
within appendix A, and in particular the narrative relating to
performance this quarter.
11. |
Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2025/26 PDF 1 MB
Additional documents:
consideration of the officer report, appendices, debate, and
amendment of the written recommendations the Executive resolved
Agree and recommend that Full Council approve the increase to
income band thresholds by the September 2024 CPI rate of 1.7% in
line with the percentage increase to state benefits as implemented
by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
The Leader of Council to write to the Minister for Local
Government to explore the case for Somerset Council’s Council
Tax to be raised by more than the referendum limit, due to
Exceptional Financial Support, low Council Tax base and rate,
increasing demand, and taking into
account Government’s requirement that plans be in
place to protect vulnerable people.
Agree and recommend that Full Council approve the CTR and
associated EH scheme for 2025/26 as set out in this paper except
for the reduction in back dating a CTR claim to 3 calendar
Ask Officers to urgently investigate and report back on the
potential to use an element of the Household Support Fund to
support those who may be affected by future changes to CTRS
11a |
Scrutiny Committee - Corporate and Resources recommendations to Executive regarding the Consultation on changes to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2025/26 PDF 109 KB
12. |
Review of the Non-Domestic Rating Discretionary Rate Relief and Hardship Policy PDF 758 KB
consideration of the officer report, appendices and
discussion, the
Executive resolved to agree and recommend to Full Council:
- That the Non-Domestic Rating
Discretionary Rate Relief and Hardship policy is amended to prevent
Private Schools from applying for assistance in anticipation of the
changes to the Local Government Finance Act 1988. The recommended
wording is to be found in Appendix D of the policy and states:
‘The ratepayer must not fall within the definition of a
Private School. For business rates purposes, ‘Private
Schools’ are defined by HM Treasury as schools at which full
time education is provided for pupils of compulsory school age
where fees are payable.’
- To delegate authority to the
Council’s Section 151 Officer in consultation with the
Monitoring Officer to make any additional amendments as necessary
to ensure the wording aligns with that Act once such amendments
come into force.
- To reduce the relief percentage
within the policy for Retail, Hospitality and Leisure sector for
2025/26 from 75% to 40% as a result of
changes to Central Government policy.
- To end Local Newspaper Relief in
line with Central Government policy.
13. |
Award contract for Advocacy Services PDF 287 KB
Additional documents:
consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the
Executive resolved to:
- Endorse the procurement process
and approve the contract award and recommendations detailed in
Appendix B (Confidential Tender Evaluation Report) for the
provision of Advocacy in Somerset
- Approve the commissioning of the
successful bidder for an initial period of 5 years with an option
to extend by 3 years.
- Provide a delegation to the
Executive Director for Adults Services and Housing to agree the 3
year extension option in consultation with the Lead Member for
Adult Services, Housing and Homelessness. The decision to implement
the extension, or otherwise, will be assessed against an agreed set
of performance and service measures.
- Agree the case for applying the
exempt information provision as set out in the Local Government Act
1972, Schedule 12A and therefore to treat the attached confidential
Appendix B in confidence, as it contains commercially sensitive
information, and as the case for the public interest in maintaining
the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing that
information. Agree to exclude the press and public from the meeting
where there is any discussion at the meeting regarding the
confidential tender evaluation report (Appendix B) (to be treated
as exempt information).
14. |
The Provision of OPMH Block Beds in Somerset PDF 226 KB
Additional documents:
consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the
Executive resolved to:
- Approve the procurement of 5
contracts in Care Homes, securing 78 Older Peoples’ Mental
Health Block Beds.
- Approve Commissioners to work
with the care home market to explore a direct award for a further
10 beds.
- Agree the case for applying the
exempt information provision as set out in the Local Government Act
1972, Schedule 12A and therefore to treat the attached confidential
Appendix B in confidence, as it contains commercially sensitive
information, and as the case for the public interest in
- Exclude the press and public from
the meeting where there is any discussion at the meeting regarding
the confidential tender evaluation report (Appendix B) (to be
treated as exempt information).
15. |
The Provision of Dementia Residential Block Beds PDF 252 KB
Additional documents:
consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the
Executive resolved to:
- Approve the outcome of the
procurement process to award contracts to the suppliers named in
Tender Evaluation Report Confidential Appendix B for Dementia
Residential Block Beds, for the length of 5 years (plus permitted
- Approve commissioners to work
with the care home market to explore a direct award for a further
20 beds.
- Agree the case for applying the
exempt information provision as set out in the Local Government Act
1972, Schedule 12A and therefore to treat the attached confidential
Appendix B in confidence, as it contains commercially sensitive
information, and as the case for the public interest in maintaining
the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing that
- Exclude the press and public from
the meeting where there is any discussion at the meeting regarding
the confidential tender evaluation report (Appendix B) (to be
treated as exempt information).
16. |
Award contract for Extra Care Services PDF 364 KB
Additional documents:
consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the
Executive resolved to:
- Award the following contracts for
care and support commencing on 01/04/2025 for a period of 5 years,
with options to extend for up to a further 2 years.
- Equalise the charge for the core
support in all schemes at a rate of £29.27 from 01/04/2025,
removing the rate of £59.04 that is currently being paid by
residents of those schemes where housing related support is
currently commissioned from care providers, but will be directly
provided by social landlords under the new model.
- Initiate a consultation with ECH
residents on a proposal to review the charges paid by the residents
of ECH schemes annually as part of the annual Adult Social Care
fees and charges process.
17. |
Key Decision to enter into a lease for a Commercial Investment Property PDF 137 KB
Additional documents:
consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the
Executive resolved to:
- Authorise the recommendation
regarding a lease on terms identified in Appendix 1
- Agree the case for applying the
exempt information provision as set out in the Local Government Act
1972, Schedule 12A and therefore to treat the attached Appendix 1
in confidence, as it contains commercially sensitive information,
and the case for the public interest in maintaining the exemption
outweighs the public interest in disclosing that
- Delegate authority to make all
necessary arrangements and agreements to conclude arrangements for
the lease to the Executive Director for Resources, Strategy and
Transformation in consultation with the Lead Member for Economic
Development, Planning and Assets.