Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Main Hall - Puriton Village Hall, Riverton Road, Puriton, TA7 8BP. View directions
Contact: LCN Team Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from: Jenny Lawrence – SALC Cath Searing – Burnham & Highbridge Town Council
Declarations of Interest To receive and note any declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting.
(The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors 2023 ) Minutes: No additional declarations of interest were declared. |
Notes from the Previous Meeting PDF 146 KB To approve the notes from the previous meeting. Minutes: The notes from the previous meeting held on 5 March 2024 were agreed and no questions or matters raised. |
Public Question Time The Chair to advise of any questions, statements or petitions received that are not covered by items on the agenda for the meeting on which members of the public have requested to speak. Minutes: No questions from members of the Public but it was requested that those present at the meeting introduced themselves as there were a number of visitors attending.
Noted for future meetings. |
Presentation and discussion To receive a presentation from the following: Ø The Waffle Hub Community Café – Caroline King Ø Morland Community Hub – Jane MacPherson
Minutes: The meeting was attended by 2 local community organisations and gave a short presentation on their work.
Waffle Hub: based in the Methodist Church in Burnham for 18 months, raised £80,000 in grant funding to keep the hub going. They advertise on BOS.Com and have received sponsorship for provision of services and to hold events. They have recently opened a Community Fridge. 55% of Burnham population are over 50 years old but the events held have been for all ages and with other organisations including CAB, NHS, Spark, Carers, Repair Café, Somerset Community Employment hub, Benefits checker and especially IT training.
Morland Community Hall and Hub: located on the Moorland Estate in Highbridge which is classed as an area of deprivation. They provide a Pantry, Old Folks Luncheon club and help all areas of the community. The building is open 7 days a week and provide for the elderly, youth groups, Police drop-in and offer advice, clubs and friendship.
Both organisations were supported by the Burnham and Highbridge Town Council which recognises the value of their work and its role in recognising need and responding where they can.
FEEDBACK FROM BURNHAM LCN RE THE COMMUNITY PRESENTATIONS 24/04/2024 1. What was the learning from the presentations?
· Listening is vital to obtain the needs of the community and identify the reasons for these needs. · It’s important not to just listen but to respond to needs and wants. · Accept that progress may take some time BUT often we must act quickly to opportunities. · We need to think creatively. · It’s clear that organisations need to know where funding opportunities are and how to develop successful bids. ACTION DS
2. What key themes emerged from the presentations?
· Really listen to what people want. · Both organisations clearly identified needs. · Collaboration is vitally important.
3. What’s Next?
· Recruit more local organisations and those providing support and services to the LCN. People/organisations etc need to be clear what the LCN is about and how they can play a role in it which benefits their benefactors as well as the community. · Support a community event with King Alfred School. ACTION DS · Recognise that we can empower people as well as harness everyone’s skills and strengths. · Organise working groups for each theme. · Everyone to offer help.
4. Additional from our group Needs · Improved communication to the community and strengthen PR. · Collaboration needs to be meaningful and this will help duplication e.g bring the various organisations providing food to the community together to see how we can better support each other and the people we support.
Priorities identified through discussion and Action Points Priorities identified through discussion and action points.
Minutes: It was suggested that the group look at Full Fibre/Internet access for the LCN area. |
Update Young People`s Working Group Minutes: An update was received on the Youth Working group who confirmed that the Youth Club in Burnham will be led by In Charley`s Memory to keep the group going. In respect of the rural areas, surveys will be issued and undertaken by Parishes with young people to ascertain their needs. |
Update Highways Working Group Minutes: The group confirmed that they had met the previous week and Terms of Reference had been compiled, these would be put forward to the next meeting for agreement. It was confirmed that the meetings will be held quarterly and face to face rather than via Teams. They will also be looking at the Exmoor trial, Traffic engineering/drainage, street works. Highways had confirmed that the areas of work/programme of works being offered along with a price list will be issued. The group also requested for clarification as to what would be done for Parishes by Somerset Council and what will be lost in the way of services provided. |
Date of AGM To confirm the date of the AGM. Minutes: It was confirmed that the AGM will be held on 24 July 2024 at 6.30pm Pawlett Pavilion.