Agenda and minutes
Venue: East Huntspill Village Hall, Church Road, East Huntspill, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 3PQ
Contact: LCN Team Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from: Councillor Suria Aujia, West Huntspill Parish Council, Avon and Somerset Police, Theresa Foxton (NHS Somerset). |
Declarations of Interest To receive and note any declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting.
(The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors 2023 ) Minutes: There were no additional interests declared. |
Public Question Time The Chair to advise of any questions, statements or petitions received that are not covered by items on the agenda for the meeting on which members of the public have requested to speak. Minutes: Jim Murray, Clerk to East Huntspill Parish Council asked why there were no other officers at the meeting i.e. Highways, Planning etc when these were areas that had been raised at the last meeting? Julie confirmed that when the priorities had been agreed at this meeting, then specific officers would be asked to attend. |
Notes from the Previous Meeting PDF 138 KB To approve the notes from the previous meeting held on 9th August 2023. Minutes: The minutes of 9 August 2023 were confirmed as a correct record. |
Highlights of themes discussed at the last meeting To discuss the highlights of themes discussed at the last meeting. Minutes: The meeting were provided with an update and highlights of what was discussed at the last meeting and these included: Young People, Transport, Tourism, Health & Wellbeing, Crime & Policing, Housing, Climate & Environment, Planning.
An introduction to data Minutes: The members were shown a slide with various data from around the County and included areas relating to crime, schools/education matters, Housing and heath & wellbeing. It was explained that detailed stats would be provided when the specific areas were known but these would need to be set within the context of local knowledge.
Discussion To discuss and agree themes based on previous meeting discussions. Minutes: It was explained that at the last meeting, a number of areas that the group wished to look further into and explore. These areas included: Ø Transport – Road Maintenance & Public Transport Ø Young People – Education Ø Planning – Policy & Procedures Ø Health & Wellbeing Ø Crime & Policing Ø Tourism Ø Housing Ø Climate & Environment
Everyone had three dots to use to highlight what they thought the priority themes to look into first were.
Within the room, the 3 priorities voted for were: Planning, Young People and Transport. The other priorities in order of preference were: Health & Wellbeing Crime & Policing Tourism Housing Clime Change & Environment
Members then discussed within their groups how they thought these priorities could be tackled as a group and who else could assist and how this could be undertaken.
Feedback from the groups was as follows: Young People Highbridge and Puriton areas have Anti-Social Behaviour issues, Connect Somerset looking at gaps in youth provision, funding available from Somerset Community Foundation
Action: Data is needed for Children and Young People around what is available for Children and Young People and to identify any gaps. Working group can be set up joining with project being undertaken by Connect Somerset to map provision.
Transport – East Huntspill , Burnham and Puriton struggle with links to trains as no buses, also to local hospitals. There was a community car scheme within Woolavington and surroundings villages which could be extended? Highway Maintenance –
potholes and no resurfacing, made worse by Youth clubs – needed in outer/rural areas and villages.
Groups within the room made the following comments on the main priorities: Transport - integration/affordability, young people and transport should be incorporated within planning applications, along with infrastructure i.e. schools, medical centres, shops, footpaths, parking and flooding/climate change implications. There were also comments on the lack of maintenance of the road network and other comments related to the lack of buses, especially in the villages to connect to the towns for medical and hospital appointments.
Planning – housing applications did not take into account, flooding, parking and anti-social behaviour.
Young People – need a transport system to enable young people to attend youth clubs/activities in the bigger towns, facilities needed and involvement in local organisations and activities as not encouraged to do so at present, community engagement is lacking. Also need SEN provision, skills for life and employment opportunities in the area.
Next steps Themed meetings and working groups. Minutes: It was agreed that for the next meeting that someone from Transport would be invited to the meeting to talk about public transport and funding from other organisations. The group also suggested that someone from Planning Policy and Highways be invited to future meetings.
It was proposed that a working group be created on young people and access to engagement to activities – a list was created for those who were interested in joining that group. |
Dates of future meetings Minutes: Proposed dates: Wednesday 10 January 2024 Thursday 14 March 2024
Venues to be confirmed. |