Agenda and minutes

Contact: LCN Team Email: 

No. Item


Appointment of the Chair


Councillor John Cook-Woodman proposed Councillor Suria Aujla for the position of Chair of the LCN, Councillor Bob Filmer seconded the proposal. The vote was unanimous and therefore Councillor Aujla was elected as the Chair of the LCN Burnham.


Appointment of the Vice Chair


Councillor Bob Filmer proposed Kevin Bray from East Brent Parish Council as the Vice-Chair and this was seconded by Councillor Alistair Hendry, Mr Bray was duly appointed as the vote was unanimous.


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies were given for Councillor Mark Healey.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 67 KB

To receive and note any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, other registrable interests and non-registrable interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting.

(The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes.)


Councillor John Cook-Woodman declared an Other Registrable Interest as he was a member of the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue.


Public Question Time

The Chair to advise of any questions, statements or petitions received that are not covered by items on the agenda for the meeting on which members of the public have requested to speak.


There were no questions from the members of the public.


To determine the priorities and areas of focus for the Local Community Network for the next 12 months

a)     What are LCNs and how will we work together

b)     Discussion – What is important to residents and businesses in our area? (An opportunity to raise any local issues or concerns for LCN to consider).


Those present were asked to think about the priorities and areas of focus they wished to put forward for the next 12 months and then report back to the meeting one priority that they considered was the most important.


The following were considered priorities:


Ø  Highway Issues, especially in town centres; these included speeding and potholes

Ø  Lack of public transport and therefore restricts access to leisure and medical facilities

Ø  Building of new estates and lack of supporting infrastructure i.e. medical facilities

Ø  Speeding, highways, planning, police and crime including lack of contact with police, parking

Ø  Travellers and illegal encampments

Ø  Fly tipping - Abolish charges at recycling centres which would reduce fly tipping

Ø  Transport

Ø  Relationships with Police need to be built

Ø  Children and Young people: safety of residents from gangs, county lines and vulnerable young people, activities needed


Other themes/areas of work were:

Ø  Anti-social behaviour: CCTV, social media, reporting

Ø  Communication with local residents via digital ways not always the answer with planning and bus services

Ø  Puriton/Woolavington in wrong LCN?

Ø  Buy in from local residents and organisations – education & 3rd sector

Ø  Housing for elderly and young

Ø  Talk to existing organisations that are already making a difference i.e Village Agents

Ø  Reduction of services due to funding issues

Ø  Highways & Drainage – responsibility for roadside drainage, need active drainage section to assist

Ø  Need to maintain rural bus services

Ø  M5 junction – congestion on roads leading & leaving the junctions especially J22

Ø  Additional resources needed for Planning Enforcement to deal with unauthorised development

Ø  Dog fouling – additional dog wardens needed & more patrols at recreational areas

Ø  Outstanding repair works etc for public rights of way

Ø  More youth support – County youth Service now abolished

Ø  Lack of visible police presence in rural areas

Ø  Tourism – investment in Burnham and tourist activities

Ø  Investment in care homes & medical facilities

Ø  Green agenda – communication between organisations and points of contact, need to involve residents

Ø  Broadband

Ø  Inward Investment – schools, footpaths, roads, cycle paths , surgeries and shops – CIL payments?

Ø  Lack of employment opportunities


Other organisations:

·       Local Area Health Authority

·       Planning Department

·       Highways Department

·       Homes in Sedgemoor District Council

·       Utility companies



To agree the frequency of meetings


The group agreed that the LCN should meet every two months but need to evaluate and add meetings or lessen if needed.

It was also agreed that depending on the support available working groups could be set up to consider topics suggested and then to report back to main LCN meetings.


The schedule of meetings for the next 12 months


it was noted that the timetable of meetings for the year was being drawn up at present and will need to take into account the other LCNs.

Members requested that all the priorities and themes for the other LCNs would be distributed and put on the website as some LCNs may have the same priorities and so could have joint working groups or briefings.