Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Croscombe Village Hall, Fayre Way, Croscombe, Wells, BA5 3RJ. View directions
Contact: LCN Team Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Somerset Councillor Bente Height and Dan Jefferies from the Avon and Somerset Police.
Declarations of Interest To receive and note any declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting.
(The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors 2023 ) Minutes: There were none. |
Notes from the Previous Meeting To approve the notes from the previous meeting. Minutes: The notes from the meeting held on 2024 were approved with one amendment to agenda item 6 - Long Cross is a dangerous staggered crossroad, not a roundabout.
Public Question Time The Chair to advise of any questions, statements or petitions received that are not covered by items on the agenda for the meeting on which members of the public have requested to speak. Minutes: A question was asked if there was any update on the Stoke St Michael culvert weight restrictions.? The Clerk of Stoke St Michael PC advised the matter was to be addressed by Somerset Highways but no update was available at present.
Another LCN member asked when the summary of presentations would be available to members as it was agreed at the last meeting this would be distributed. Terena Isaacs advised it was underway and would be sent out shortly.
Update from the Working Groups To receive updates from the working groups. Minutes: Councillor Barry Clarke advised that the Flood Working Group would be meeting on Monday 13 May and encouraged as many people to attend as possible.
Councillor Martin Lovell advised that the Highways Working Group would be meeting on Wednesday 1st May and encouraged people to give some thought about what they wanted to achieve at the meeting so that Highways could send the right officers to attend and address the issues.
Young People Presentation Minutes: There were two presentations, the first by Tash Scully from the Somerset Youth Alliance and the second by Louise Lappin-Cook from Make the Sunshine.
Somerset Youth Alliance
Tash advised that in January 2024 a 2nd awards event had been held, delivering 28 certificates in youthwork training. Councillor Heather Shearer was a volunteer with the charity. The Youth Alliance currently has 21 members who work together to ensure there is a youth offering within Somerset which is high quality, co-produced and inclusive. There are an additional 5 members about to join the Alliance, such as the YMCA Brunel Group and the Onion Project.
There are 3 levels of membership – the Steering Committee, Core Member and Network Member.
The values of the Alliance includes the commitment to provide a high standard of youthwork, identify gaps, build trust, share ideas, share resources and creating good working relationships between the member organisations.
In the coming year the aim is to increase the number of youth workers, increase diversity in youth work within Somerset, amplify the voice of young people, raise awareness of the youth provision that is on offer and collaboratively fill in the gaps.
Tash advised that there is a funded youth training pathway with various levels that can be achieved. Tash herself is professionally qualified and able to plan, manage and deliver youthwork. She said LCN members could help by promoting the Alliance and signpost people who want to create new youth opportunities within the community to the Alliance for support.
Everyone would be welcome to contact the Alliance for any help required: for membership 01458 550973
Cllr Robin Horton from Shepton Mallet Town Council advised that there was a software system called “Assemble” which is a countrywide database of volunteers but that not enough people or organisations knew about to make it fully functional.
Make the Sunshine
Louise advised this charity was based in Shepton Mallet and served the surrounding villages and started 6 years ago. It is a Not-for-Profit arts provision with an aim that all children should have access to quality arts and for the Amulet Theatre in Shepton Mallet to be re-opened.
Their work improves children’s confidence, cohesion and the forming of relationships. Children that attend arts and culture activities are 3 times more likely to attend University. There is also a program for older adults with an aim to lessen loneliness.
They work anywhere from carparks, disused shops, town halls and community centres and by doing this they get to reach wider communities. Currently they are working with 10 schools across Mendip. There is a qualification on offer called “Arts Ambassadors” which is accredited. There is an annual Frome Arts Festival and all performances are chosen by the children.
Louise continued that their aim was to expand and grow their work and explore ways to boost their skills around festival production. She advised that if LCN members wanted them to come to their villages/parishes, they can contact her to discuss their needs.
Action and next steps Minutes: The LCN Officer advised that going forward, some LCNS had decided to complete a questionnaire to be shared across the parishes and asked this group if they wished to do the same. She advised that it was Frome LCN which had completed this exercise.
It was noted that the Police had not attended any of the last 3 Shepton LCN meetings and although it wasn’t expected that they should attend each time, a representative should attend to provide a quarterly update at least. It was also noted that the data provided on the police database could not be drilled into deep enough to see what was happening within Shepton Mallet and the LCN area. One member mentioned that PCSO’s attend their Parish Council meetings and supply stats and information relevant to them. They are very knowledgeable about what is going on and share useful information.
Regarding the Civil Contingency and Emergency Planning, it was noted that it would be useful to hear from the experts what they expect Parish Councils to do in these situations. They would like to know what is expected of them and how they can help, without being a hindrance. Perhaps a workshop could be held on this.
Other ideas were:
A number of members commented that questions raised in the LCN meetings were not addressed when minutes were distributed. This was noted by the LCN Officer who added that the price list for the Highways Stewardship would be available in the summer and be fed to the LCN via the Highways Working Group.
Dates of future meetings Minutes: The next meeting will be the AGM on 10June at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Shepton Mallet.