Agenda and minutes
Venue: John Meikle Room, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton TA1 1HE
Contact: LCN Team Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Lee Baker Somerset Council, Simon Coles Somerset Council, Federica Smith-Roberts Somerset Council, Andy Sully Somerset Council, Bev Fernandes Taunton Town Council |
Declarations of Interest To receive and note any declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting.
(The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors 2023 ) Minutes: No new Declarations of Interests declared |
Notes from the Previous Meeting PDF 143 KB To approve the notes from the previous meeting. Minutes: The notes from the meetings held: 30 November 2023 5 February 2024 were approved by Taunton LCN and signed by the Chair. |
Public Question Time The Chair to advise of any questions, statements or petitions received that are not covered by items on the agenda for the meeting on which members of the public have requested to speak. Minutes: There were no public questions received. |
Support in the Community To receive updates from Support in the Community: Rhys Davies – Community Enterprise Adult Social Care David Patterson
– Wivey Cares Break Out 10 Minutes – How can the Community Support our residents who need
help due to age, illness or disability. Cllr Sarah Wakefield ~ Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care
Minutes: The Chair invited Rhys Davis, Community Enterprise Adult Social Care, Somerset Council to introduce and provide an overview of the work of the Somerset Micro-enterprise project. Somerset Micro-enterprise Project - Somerset Micro-enterprise Project Rhys Davies, Community Enterprise Adult Social Care, Somerset Council, provided an overview of the Somerset Micro-enterprise Project, including: · That the Somerset Micro-enterprise programme supports the development of very small, community-based care and support services that provide personal, flexible and responsive support and care, give local people more choice and control over the support they get, offer an alternative to more traditional services. · Examples of micro-services including; support to keep well, socialise and remain independent, support to people living in their own homes, short breaks and holidays, support to access employment, education and leisure, day support and help around the home. · The support and the development of micro providers in Somerset and the Structure to support in the community. · That Since 2015, the project has supported the development of 1250 brand new Micro-providers – and that number is rising. · The project has received more than 2700 enquiries from people who are currently or want to set up small enterprises. · The programme offers help, advice and specialist signposting to anyone with an idea to develop and set up a small service. Cllr Sarah Wakefield, Lead Member for Adult Social Care, further added to the above points thatMicro providers are essential support to keep people in their homes as long as possible and the need for people in community to facilitate this. The Chair invited Elizabeth McNabb, Manager, Blackdown Support Group to introduce and provide an overview of the Blackdown Support Group. Blackdown Support Group - Blackdown Support Group – Helping Those In Need Of Support Elizabeth McNabb, Manager, Blackdown Support Group, provided an overview of the Black Support Group, a community self-help scheme extending the voluntary ethos initiated in April 1991, including:
Update on working groups PDF 56 KB To
receive an update on working groups:
Minutes: Young People Working Group Pippa Hughes provided an update on the Young People’s Working Group Meeting, held on Thursday, 21st March 2023 Attached as Appendix 1 -Taunton LCN Young Peoples Working Group 21st March 2024 Chair Report.
Future Potential working groups Highways Action: Pippa Hughes – arrange inaugural meeting date and venue for the LCN membership to meet highway team Community Civil Contingency Emergency Planning Action: Pippa Hughes – to discuss with civil contingency team
Attached as Appendix 1 -Taunton LCN Young Peoples Working Group 21st March 2024 Chair Report
Report for Taunton Area LCN Meeting, Tuesday, 26th March from the Taunton Area LCN - Young People’s Working Group Meeting, held on Thursday, 21st March. Meeting was held at Taunton Town Football Club by kind permission of Karl Lindsay Attendance: Cllr Bev Fernandes (Chair)~Taunton Town Council, Pippa Hughes ~ Link Officer for the Taunton Community Network , Jane Knowles ~ Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP), Phil Durban, Bishop’s Lydeard Residents Group, Richard Holt ~ Director of The Creative Innovation Centre CIC, Paul St, Taunton, Rev Tobie Osmond ~ Vicar of Taunton Minster, Faith, Education, Community, Andrew Pritchard ~ MIND, Adult Crisis Services and Somerset Connect Champion, Brenda Weston, Sam Bushen ~ Avon & Somerset Police, Charmaine Dyer ~ Violence and Reduction Partnership, Barney Simmons ~ Violence Reduction Partnership, Jackie ~ TYCA, Sally ~ Fuse/StreetLinkz Taunton, Craig ~ Youth Unlimited Key points: Young Somerset updated the group re the hubs currently running at Coffee 1Bridgwater and McDonalds in Taunton. Already able to produce data from a questionnaire, for example 79% of those questioned on how safe they felt, knew what to do but were also unaware of being able to report anonymously, they were asked where they would like to see information. A schools pack is being prepared by the Violence Reduction partnership, info for PHSE sessions around conflict management and positive masculinity, this will go to all Somerset Schools. Also guidance leaflet for parents Young People in the Community Matter. Charmaine encouraged all youth groups to get in contact with the partnership as they are keen to hear and participate with all groups. Paul Smith gave a presentation The Employment Hub Digital Project, which aims to plug skills gap between colleges and businesses. Andrew Pritchard gave an update on the planned event in June, a new venue had been found. Phil Durban an update on the youth group and also that CIL funding through Bishop’s Lydeard Parish Council had been secured for Bishop’s Lydeard Primary School, part of which would be put towards a Youth Community Space. Jackie explained the role of TYCA (Taunton Youth Culture and Arts), about the forthcoming festival organised and run by young people for young people
This is our third meeting and I never fail to feel the positivity and willingness to do the very best for young people and once the presentations and introductions were over the networking began with emails and contact numbers being swapped. Cllr Bev ... view the full minutes text for item 43. |
Next meeting date Taunton LCN AGM is on Monday 3rd June 2024. Minutes: AGM is on Monday 3rd June 2024, venue to be confirmed (Election of Chair / Vice Chair) Core Membership to inform Pippa Hughes of nominees for Chair and Vice Chair |