Agenda and draft minutes
Annual General Meeting, Local Community Network - Wells and Rural - Tuesday, 23rd July, 2024 7.00 pm
Venue: Guerney Slade and Binegar Village Hall
Contact: LCN Team Email:
No. | Item |
Elect the Chair of the Local Community Network Only members of the core membership are eligible to be nominated as the Chair. Either the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Local Community Network shall be a Somerset Councillor.
Only voting members can make nominations. The nomination must be seconded to be valid Minutes: Nominations – Tony Robbins was nominated by Theo Butt Philip, Seconded by Tony Hathway. Tony Robbins has been elected as chair
Appoint the Vice-Chair of the Local Community Network Only members of the core membership are eligible to be nominated as the Vice- Chair. Either the Chair or Vice-Chair must be a Somerset Councillor.
Only voting members can make nominations. The nomination must be seconded to be valid. Minutes: Vice Chair – Nominations Edric Hobbs, nominated by Jon Abbott, Seconded by Tony Robbins. Edric Hobbs has been voted in as vice-chair
Consider the Yearly Report of the LCN's work in the last 12 months Additional documents: Minutes: It was requested that the comments made by Tony Hathway (outgoing vice-chair) be added to the report. It was noted that future reports should involve more collaboration and specific examples of success to reflect the LCN rather than Somerset Council.
The final version of the report is going to be agreed at the next meeting.
Discussion following from previous meeting
Jessica Lewin (YMCA) provided an update following the previous meeting regarding illegal raves. She informed the group that the YMCA had since been looking to set up arranged under-eighteen event nights at venue such as Studio 24 and The Loft. It is hoped that such nights may provide an alternative for young people feeling the need to attend illegal raves. She acknowledged that young people are only part of the issue, but this may go some way to decreasing demand.
Edric Hobbs made the point that while young people are an important part of the issue, from his experience those attending illegal raves are much older and that young people are not to blame.
Overview of Highlights from LCNs across Somerset Minutes: The LCN link officers' presentation provided an overview of the work of the LCNS across Somerset.
The meeting reviewed the highlights of other LCNs in Somerset, including their work on issues such as children and young people, active travel, highways and traffic, health and well-being, housing, economic development, support for businesses, and climate, environment, and conservation.
Consider the Priorities and areas of focus for the LCN for the next 12 months Minutes: At this point the room divided into a breakout session including those participants online, to discuss if the priorities identified last year remain relevant and if the existing working groups are sufficient.
Table 1
Considered community input into planning, particularly local infrastructure such as community facilities and surgeries to be linked-up with planning applications.
Focused on roads and agreed the highway's working group was still relevant and should consider factors such as traffic, potholes, gullies and pavement quality and availability.
Agreed that the current priority list remains relevant.
Table 2
Agreed that broader and deeper participation in the LCN should be a priority, including parishes that have not attended.
Raised planning as a priority, particularly enforcement.
Note: Kate Hellard LCN Service Manager noted that planning officers are due to attend a Parish Clerks meeting in early September to discuss the parish price list and the development of local plans, so that would be a more suitable arena to discuss planning.
Table 3
Agreed all last year's priorities remained the same.
Felt that the lack of action and subsequent decreased attendance was a key issue and there should be a focus on better communication, clear outcomes, and increased engagement from the LCN.
Discussed flooding as a priority, with less focus on emergency planning and increased attention to mitigation, the linking of LCN areas across the watershed, and landowner responsibilities.
Felt all three current working groups were still relevant but that flooding should be separate from emergency planning.
Felt that flooding is a priority, and that action should be taken from the working group. Discussed connectivity and broadband as a focus, as well as public transport. Increased involvement from all parishes needs to be achieved. Community radio should be discussed.
Agree the schedule of meetings for the next 12 months Minutes: