Agenda and minutes

Venue: Brittons Ash Community Hall - BACH. View directions

Contact: LCN Team Email: 

No. Item


To elect the Chair of the Local Community Network


West Monkton Parish Councillor, Stuart Haskins, was nominated by Somerset Councillor Dixie Darch and seconded by Cheddon Fitzpaine Parish Councillor Alan West.


No other nominations were received, Councillor Stuart Haskins was duly elected as Chair for the Hestercombe Local Community Network.


To appoint the Vice-Chair of the Local Community Network


Somerset Councillor, Norman Cavill, was nominated by Somerset Councillor Derek Perry and seconded by North Petherton Town Councillor Phil Spencer.


No other nominations were received, Councillor Norman Cavill was duly appointed as Vice Chair for the Hestercombe Local Community Network.


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Somerset Councillors: Alan Bradford, Tom Deakin and David Fothergill.


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 67 KB

To receive and note any declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, other registrable interests and non-registrable interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting.

(The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes.)


Somerset Councillorspresent atthe meetingdeclared thefollowing personalinterests in their capacity as a Councillor of a Town or Parish Council or any other Local Authority:-



Norman Cavill

West Monkton Parish Council



Public Question Time

The Chair to advise of any questions, statements or petitions received that are not covered by items on the agenda for the meeting on which members of the public have requested to speak.



No public question were raised.


To determine the priorities and areas of focus for the Local Community Network for the next 12 months pdf icon PDF 821 KB


What are LCNs and how will we work together


Discussion – What is important to residents and businesses in our area? (An opportunity to raise any local issues or concerns for LCN to consider)


During the group discussions the Local Community Network (LCN) members highlighted the following as priorities for their area:-

·       Educational Standards.

·       Development Infrastructure – this needed to relate to the development area.

·       Members were pleased to have the LCN for the Hestercombe area as it represented the area located between two large towns.

·       Concern on lack of road network and facilities.

·       Possibility of better access to the motorway.

·       Safety in the local areas.

·       Health and Wellbeing – open spaces and footpaths to encourage residents to spend time outdoors.

·       Infrastructure – public transport and social/rural isolation.

·       Funding.

·       Possibility of maps to show of what services were provided within the area.

·       Unauthorised use of land – the damage and debris left behind.

·       Volume of traffic – speeding and use of ‘rat runs’.

·       Flooding.

·       Crime.

·       Most of the items were relatable to all the parishes located within the LCN area.

·       Members were pleased that they were in agreement of what priorities they wanted to focus on.

·       Discussions were held on what resources and ‘power’ the LCN would have.


Other areas discussed within the groups, included the following:-

·       A38 Development Corridor – population surge.

·       Link to Planning Meetings.

·       Infrastructure for town centre regeneration, health and education.

·       Junction 24 – lack of knowledge.

·       Funding for Hubs.

·       Lack of co-ordinated response from smaller developments.

·       Primary Health Care – largest GP ratio per resident, lack of NHS dental service and population health data.

·       Road Infrastructure – street lighting, drains, highway maintenance, not coping with growth in traffic, congestion, road safety near schools and residential areas, lack of public transport and unadopted roads (the lack of support when issues occur).

·       Not to be town centre centric – need to involve rural areas between.

·       Community assets – Broomfield Survey, farming community, work remotely.

·       Affordability – house prices and regulations.

·       Young People – need to work on demographic and how to encourage young people and families to remain in the area.

·       Diversity.

·       Anti-Social Behaviour – fly tipping, vandalism to property and Dog Wardens.

·       Sport – grass roots understanding, use S106 process for engagement and active travel routes.

·       The four Ps – Planning, Parking, Potholes and Poo.

·       Lack of amenities and activities – need to engage with all sectors of the demographic to see what they would like to have implemented within the area.

·       Climate Change.

·       Need to work with other organisations, churches etc.

·       Funding review – was all the funding being allocated to the correct services?

·       Volunteers – use of them within the area.

·       Good Neighbours initiative – use of talking cafés and careers networks.

·       Ensure full representation from all towns and villages within the LCN area.

·       Growth of new communities.

·       Retaining a rural identity in the face of urban expansion.

·       Save social hubs within the area – public houses.

·       Retail facilities.

·       Employment opportunities.

·       Maintenance of public open spaces and play areas.


To agree the frequency of meetings


The Hestercombe LCN agreed that the frequency of meetings should be bi-monthly.  However, due to the summer holidays and the work required to provide a scoping document for each LCN, it was agreed that the next meeting would be scheduled for late September 2023.


The schedule of meetings for the next 12 months


The LCN Team would work with the Chair of the LCN to schedule the meeting dates for the remainder of the year.