Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: The Moorland Hall, Cutcombe
Contact: Sam Murrell Email: Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Election of Chairperson Only members of the core membership are eligible to be nominated as the Chair. Either the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Local Community Network shall be a Somerset Council Councillor.
Only voting members can make nominations. The nomination must be seconded to be valid.
Minutes: The Link Officer advised that the meeting was quorate and the election of Chairperson could proceed.
Somerset Cllr Steven Pugsley was nominated by Mike Ellicott (Exford PC), seconded by Cllr Frances Nicholson (Somerset Council). There were no other nominations received so Cllr Steven Pugsley was duly elected.
Election of Vice-Chairperson Only members of the core membership are eligible to be nominated as the Vice-Chair. Either the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Local Community Network shall be a Somerset Council Councillor.
Only voting members can make nominations. The nomination must be seconded to be valid.
Minutes: Cllr Mike Ellicott (Exford PC) was nominated by Cllr Steven Pugsley, seconded by Cllr Frances Nicholson (Somerset Council). There were no other nominations.
For form’s sake a show of hands agreed the appointment, and Cllr Ellicott was duly elected. |
Acknowledgement from the Chair Minutes: Cllr Pugsley thanked the assembled for their continued support and reinstating him to the Chair.
He believed that the Exmoor LCN had got off to a very good start in its inaugural year and looked forward to continuing with the developing work.
He also thanked Sam Murrell, the LCN Link Officer for all her hard work with organising the meetings and keeping everyone on track with communications. This was acknowledged with a round of applause. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Cllr Theo Butt Phillip (Somerset Council) Patricia Bainbridge (Clerk, Brompton Ralph PC), Jan Aldridge (Brushford PC), Roger Webber (Minehead Without & Selworthy PC), Janette Sapsford (Exton PC), Katherine Williams & Michelle Haimes (Avon & Somerset Police), Nikki Bonner (Village Agent), Katherine Williams (Exmoor Hill Farming Network), Emma Thomasson (Visit Exmoor), Andrew Turner & Kevin Bridgwater (Somerset Council Highways), Jeremy Hickman (Exford PC), Rebecca Tomalin and Exmoor PC, Will Lock (Exmoor Young Voices) and Exmoor National Park Authority. |
Notes from the Previous Meeting PDF 182 KB To approve the notes from the previous meeting. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a true record. (Unanimous). |
Update on Actions from the Previous Meeting To discuss matters arising from the notes not covered in later agenda items. Minutes: In the absence of a Highways agenda item, the highways update was inserted here. Kali Martin provided the following notices:-
ACTION 1 – Suggest to the Traffic Management Team that width restriction signs are placed at the site to prevent large vehicles from attempting to cross in the future.
ACTION 2 – Liaise with Devon County Council to ensure their diversion routes do not bring unsuitable heavy traffic across the border and along the narrow restrictive carriageways within Somerset.
ACTION 3 – Invite a member of the Road Safety Team to a future Highway Subgroup meeting.
ACTION 4 - It was requested that those parishes that need a second cut make a request to the highways office so that can be picked up. Last year this included Clatworthy, Selworthy & Minehead Without and Wootton Courtenay.
Avon and Somerset Police Update Minutes: The Neighbourhood beat team had tendered their apologies due to a bereavement and shift pattern conflicts. Subsequent to the meeting, a newsletter was submitted which can be viewed here. |
Exmoor National Park Authority Minutes: Officers from the park had tendered their apologies but submitted a newsletter to provide updates on ENP work. The newsletter can be viewed on this link: Exmoor ParkLife - June 2024 (
There was some discussion ENP matters but the Chair advised that the LCN was not the forum to criticise or manage the work of the ENP. It was important that member parishes of the Park, attended the relevant meetings and contributed to local discussions when required. A forum meeting was due to be held after the General Election and was open to all.
Magna Housing Update Christine Boland, Head of Customer and Community Support will be in attendance. Minutes: Christine Boland, (Head of Customer and Community Support) and Annie Cole (Housing Officer) were in attendance.
Christine Boland presented a series of slides showing the aims and priorities of Magna Housing over the last year.
These slides in a word format are available to view here.
There has been some negative press about Magna’s housing repair service, in particular regarding warden-controlled housing in Timberscombe. There were issues around the installation of Air Source Heat Pumps and the lack of skilled maintenance engineers to service them once fitted. This was discussed in further detail by the representatives from Timberscombe PC (Katy Attwater and Lesley Webb).
ACTION 5 - It was agreed that further discussions needed to take place between Magna and Timberscombe PC, around how the needs of the Magna tenants in that area could be better served.
Magna had accepted responsibility for the repair issues and had paid compensation to those affected. It was doing what it could to make matters right and was looking at how to reduce the number of complaints. More housing officers had been employed locally, and there had been updates to the online repairs portal which included a messenger chat service.
ACTION 6 - It was requested that the contact details for Christine and Annie were made available:-
ACTION 7 - The attendees requested that the slides were made available in the notes. Christine Boland agreed to forward them on.
Cllr Pugsley also stated that it was very difficult to know since Magna had amalgamated who the Board and Senior Leadership Team were. They had become more remote, and difficult to contact. It would be helpful if senior officers (such as the CEO) could come to a future meeting and be more accountable.
Discussions also took place about the Local Lettings Policy, and how Homefinder didn’t prioritise local families if there was no Section 106 attached to the property. It was agreed that this would be a theme that could be expanded within the Housing Subgroup.
There were various local concerns that were aired in the Q&A session that followed the presentation. Annie Cole requested that these were emailed to her, so that she could follow these up.
Christine and Annie were thanked by the Chair for their contribution to the meeting.
To consider the annual report of the Exmoor LCN. PDF 1 MB To receive and note the annual report of the work undertaken in the last 12 months.
Minutes: The report had been circulated in advance of the meeting. There were no matters arising. The report was accepted on behalf of the Exmoor LCN. |
Overview and highlights from other LCNs across Somerset To examine the themes and topics being developed in other areas of Somerset. Minutes: As time was short it was agreed that the slide pack would be circulated with the minutes. The slide pack can be viewed here.
To determine the priorities and areas of focus for the Exmoor LCN in the next 12 months. Minutes: It was agreed to continue with the working groups that had been established in the inaugural year and meeting dates were agreed. There were no changes to the established attendees and those present agreed that they would continue.
Highways working group Membership
The Highways working groups would continue to meet between the main LCN meetings, at Dulverton Sports Pavilion. Calendar invitations will be issued as soon as the meeting venues have been confirmed.
Economic Regeneration working group Membership
It was decided to add Visit Exmoor to the membership of this group, as Emma Thomasson had indicated that the tourist economy would like to take a more active role in the LCN.
Somerset Council Officer Support Beccy Brown – Employment and Skills (P/time) Sam Murrell – LCN Link officer
Exmoor National Park Officer Support Dan James – Rural Enterprise Manager
Housing working group. Membership
Somerset Council Officer Support Colin McDonald (Online) Exmoor Rural Housing Enabler Sam Murrell (Online) Exmoor LCN interim Link Officer and clerk
Exmoor National Park Officer Support Ruth McArthur - Policy officer, Local Plan, and housing expert
The first meetings for the Economic Regeneration and Housing Subgroups would be held via teams, to determine a schedule and items of business going forward. (Subsequent Housing sub-group meetings are likely to be convened as face to face).
To agree the schedule of meetings for the next 12 months. The proposed dates and times of meetings as follows:-
Also provisionally:- Housing Sub-group – Tuesday 25 June on Teams at 5:30pm (To schedule meetings going forward).
Economic Regeneration Sub-group – Tuesday 23 July via Teams at 5:30pm (To schedule meetings going forward).
Minutes: The meeting schedule was agreed as follows:-
*Revised from agenda. Amended meeting dates shown.
Also:- Housing Sub-group – Tuesday 25 June on Teams at 5:30pm (To schedule meetings going forward).
Economic Regeneration Sub-group – Tuesday 23 July via Teams at 5:30pm (To schedule meetings going forward).
Action Log Minutes: |