Venue: The County Room - Somerset County Cricket Club. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services: Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest To receive and note any declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting.
(The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors 2023 ) |
Public Question Time The Chair to advise the Committee of any items on which members of the public have requested to speak and advise those members of the public present of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme.
For those members of the public who have submitted any questions or statements, please note, a three-minute time limit applies to each speaker and you will be asked to speak before Councillors debate the issue. Please note: as this is a special meeting of Full Council, only questions and statements relating to items on the agenda will be accepted.
We are now live webcasting most of our committee meetings and you are welcome to view and listen to the discussion. The link to each webcast will be available on the meeting webpage, please see details under ‘click here to join online meeting’. |
Reports for Decision |
Council Organisation Structure To consider the recommendations from the Leader and Executive and the Chief Executive.
All the final structure charts can be viewed in Appendix E Additional documents:
Housing Revenue Account Rent Setting and Fees and Charges 2025-26 To consider the recommendations from the Leader and Executive. Additional documents:
Interim External Auditor's Annual Report for 2023-24 To consider the External Auditor's two statutory recommendations and Annual Report for 2023-24. Additional documents: |
Somerset Council Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act To consider the recommendations from the Leader and Executive. Additional documents: |
Questions from Councillors to the Executive Councillors are required to give notice of any such question in writing to the Monitoring Officer no later than 5pm providing three clear working days’ notice before the meeting, in order to be guaranteed a written response. For this meeting the deadline is 5pm on Thursday 6 February 2025.
Details of any questions received will be circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting and made available at the meeting and on the Council’s website.
Any question received after 5pm on Thursday 6 February and no later than 9am 12 February may only receive a verbal response at the meeting or the Chair may direct them to the appropriate committee or the next meeting of the Council.
Questions may be asked without notice and councillors are limited to one minute to put their question. Supplementary questions can only be asked with the consent of the Chair. The Chair will determine the number of questions asked without notice and the total time allocated for this item.
Councillors are reminded of the opportunities outside of the Council meeting to raise matters directly with the Leader of the Council, Executive Lead Members or Directors. In addition, Councillors can raise questions at meetings of the Executive.
Please note: as this is a special meeting of Full Council, only questions and statements relating to items on the agenda will be accepted. |