Agenda, decisions and draft minutes

Venue: John Meikle Room, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton TA1 1HE. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services Email: 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence and notification of substitutions.


Apologies were received from Councillors Ross Henley and Andy Sully.


Minutes from the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 101 KB

To approve the minutes from the previous meeting.


Resolved that the minutes of the Planning Committee - West held on 19 November be confirmed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive and note any declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting.

(The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors 2023 )


Councillor Rosemary Woods declared an interest on item 5 as a local division member and that she would leave the room during the item.


Councillor Dawn Johnson declared an interest on item 6. Councillor Johnson was registered to speak on the item as an objector. She declared she would speak and leave the room for the remainder of the item.

Councillor Gwil Wren declared an interest on item 6 having received a phone call and email from the agent but declined to comment.  He was permitted to remain in the room for the debate.


Public Question Time

The Chair to advise the Committee of any items on which members of the public have requested to speak and advise those members of the public present of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme.


For those members of the public who have submitted any questions or statements, please note, a three-minute time limit applies to each speaker.


We are now live webcasting most of our committee meetings and you are welcome to view and listen to the discussion. The link to each webcast will be available on the meeting webpage, please see details under ‘click here to join online meeting’.


Requests to speak at the meeting under Public Question Time must be made to  by 5pm on the Wednesday prior to the meeting.  For those wishing to speak on an application, requests must be made by 5pm on the Thursday prior to the meeting.


There were no public questions raised.


NPPF Overivew pdf icon PDF 356 KB


The Chair used his discretion to allow an additional item on the agenda. The Head of Planning, Alison Blom-Cooper gave a short overview with the aid of a presentation on the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).


Planning Application 3/37/23/026 - Liddymore Farm, Williton pdf icon PDF 168 KB

To consider an application for Reserved Matters for 175 Dwellings at Liddymore Farm, Williton.

Additional documents:


To Grant Permission subject to the conditions detailed within the officer`s report with an advice note on electric vehicle charging points to be secured through Building Regulations.

(Voting For 9, 1 Abstention)


Councillor Rosemary Woods left the room.

The Planning Officer introduced the application with the aid of a presentation. The officer explained that the application sought permission for reserved matters following outline application 3/37/17/020 for the access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, with additional drainage strategy and levels, for the erection of 175 No. dwellings (Phases 2 and 3)

The Committee were addressed by the agent whose comments included the challenges of topography, design approach and active travel links. The sustainability of the proposed homes was also highlighted.

Councillors raised the reasons behind why the impact of ecology was a key consideration. The Planning Officer advised that the impacts on ecology were relatively confined and not a concern.

Councillors raised concerns regarding the objections from the Parish Council and asked for clarification on visitor parking spaces available at the development. The Planning Officer confirmed that the visitor parking spaces were highlighted on the submitted plan and that EV charging points would be delivered through the Building Regulations process.

Councillors raised the volume of affordable homes as a positive and asked for clarification on when those would be available and if they would be available for local people. The Planning Officer confirmed that they would be available but there was no requirement for them to be made solely available to local people.

Councillors raised concerns and sought clarification on the evidence that would be provided that proved EV charging points would be available. The Planning Officer confirmed that the Building Regulations would pick up the suitability concerns and new planning applications coming forward would have tighter control.

Councillors asked for clarification on whether the development scheme was net zero. The Planning Officer confirmed that this application was not net zero and the application was for reserved matters not for the full application, and so the principle of development had already been accepted.

The Planning Officer confirmed this application was for reserved matters.

It was proposed by Councillor Steven Pugsley and seconded by Councillor Norman Cavill to approve the application in accordance with the officer recommendation with an advice note on the electric vehicle charging points to be secured through Building Regulations.

To Grant Permission subject to the conditions detailed within the officer`s report with an advice note on electric vehicle charging points to be secured through Building Regulations.

(Voting For 9, 1 Abstention)


Planning Application - 38/23/0347 - Land at Staplegrove (West), Taunton pdf icon PDF 414 KB

To consider an application for an S37 application (Variation of Conditions) in relation to mixed use development for Land at Staplegrove (West), Taunton.

Additional documents:


To Grant Permission subject to the conditions detailed within the officer`s report.

 (Voting For, Unanimous)


The Planning Officer introduced the application with the aid of a presentation.  The officer explained that the application sought permission for a variation of conditions of a S73 application. The officer advised the Committee that item b) of the recommendation (LLFA) could be deleted as this was no longer needed.

The Committee were addressed by 5 supporters, whose comments included access to active travel such as buses and other public transport, the increased community feel of the development, the engagement of the developer with community groups was marked as a positive. The risk of flooding was highlighted along with the positive which was the proposal to remove the dropdown road and the movement and employment land to Rectory Road was highlighted as a negative.

The Committee were addressed by the applicant whose comments included the Corkscrew Lane access and the creation of public open spaces within the area.

The Chair, used his discretion to allow a further supporter to speak, whose comments included the concern of traffic and the positive of the removal of the drop-down road.

The Planning Officer confirmed that the approved master plan did show the location of the employment land and at this stage no objections were raised, and it was not considered that the movement of the employment land warranted any further consideration other than the usage be compatible with residential neighbours. It was also confirmed that the development had resulted in basin drains being increased to a more modern standard and that the class and usage of land was deemed acceptable by the local authority.

Councillors sought clarification on the employment land and the class and usage of the land, and the bus route to the new development. The Planning Officer confirmed where bus stops would be located and walking routes to those stops were inside the recommended walking distance of 800 metres and the funding for buses came in tranches. Councillors requested that the detailed hours of operation of the employment use be brought back to Committee when required.

The Highways Officer confirmed that Whitmore Lane would become part of the development, and it was important that the technical and development design of the lighting proposed was safe for all users.

Councillors raised concerns of flooding in the future. The Planning Officer confirmed that this had been adequately planned for. Councillors asked for clarification of the location of the school site which was confirmed by the Planning Officer.

To Grant Permission subject to the conditions detailed within the officer`s report.

 (Voting For, Unanimous)


Planning Application - 42/24/0024 - The Hay Barn House, Staplehay pdf icon PDF 149 KB

To consider an application for Recladding of areas with corrugated sheeting, retain columns/trusses, installation of balustrading and formation of decking/seating area at The Hay Barn House, Staplehay.

Additional documents:


To Grant Permission subject to the conditions detailed within the officer`s report.

(Voting 7 For, 2 Objections, 1 Abstention)


The Planning Officer introduced the application with the aid of a presentation.  The officer explained that the application sought permission for recladding of areas with corrugated sheeting, retain columns/trusses, installation of balustrading and formation of decking/seating area.

The Committee were addressed by 1 objector whose comments included the size of the farm and the house in this application, the class of the property did not correlate with its use as a holiday let.

The Legal Advisor confirmed that the house could be used as a holiday let as it was a C3 dwelling this was confirmed by the Planning Officer.

Councillor Dawn Johnson, who was the objector, left the room at this point due to the interest declared earlier.

Councillors asked for clarification on the extension and if it was in the current building footprint. The Planning Officer confirmed that it was within the framework at the front of the property and would not extend beyond and that there were not currently any proposals for any further buildings within the property to be brought forward for extensions or material changes. The Planning Officer confirmed that with Class Q resulted in this building being a legitimate class Q conversion.

 It was proposed by Councillor Steven Pugsley to approve the application in accordance with the officer recommendation.

To Grant Permission subject to the conditions detailed within the officer`s report.

(Voting 7 For, 2 Objections, 1 Abstention)


Appeal Decisions pdf icon PDF 52 KB

To receive details of the latest Appeal Decisions received.

Additional documents:


There were no appeals decisions received