Agenda, decisions and draft minutes
Venue: John Meikle Room, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton TA1 1HE. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence and notification of substitutions. Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Ross Henley and Mike Rigby. |
Minutes from the Previous Meeting PDF 92 KB To approve the minutes from the previous meeting held on 19 March 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved that the Minutes of the Planning Committee West held on 19 March 2024 be confirmed as a correct record. Councillor Hadley wished to make a personal apology on application 3/21/23/088 regarding the cricket club netting due to a mistaken assumption regarding ownership. However, he stands by his comment on the placement of the nets. |
Declarations of Interest To receive and note any declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting. (The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors 2023 ) Additional documents: Minutes: The following Councillors made the following Declarations of Interest: Item 5 43/23/0056 Land to the North of Taunton Road, Wellington: Cllr Gwil Wren wished it minuted that, although he was not a member of Nynehead Parish Council nor was the Parish within his Division, he had made an earlier comment on the application. However, he was coming to the meeting with an open mind, would listen to the debate before making his decision and did not consider himself predetermined. Cllr Andy Hadley wished it minuted that as he was an employee of Lidl, but not at this store, he would remain in the meeting and take part in the debate and vote.
Item 6 14/21/0047 Land East of A38, south of Walford Cross, Monkton Heathfield: Cllr Norman Cavill declared an Other Registrable Interest in the application and would leave the room while the application is being considered.
Item 7 49/20/0034 Land to the North of Burges Lane, Wiveliscombe: Cllr Gwil Wren wished it minuted that the application was within his Division, but he has taken no part in any discussions. Cllr Simon Coles wished it minuted that he had received an email and phone call from the agent for this application but did not discuss the application with him – it was confirmed that other members of the Committee had also been approached by the agent.
Item 8 3/37/23/001 Land to the south of Doniford Road and Normandy Avenue, Watchet: Cllr Rosemary Woods declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and would leave the room while the application was being considered.
Item 9 05/23/00/30 The Gables, Wellington Road, Bradford on Tone, Taunton: Cllr Gwil Wren wished it minuted that the site was adjacent to his Division but he had takenno part in any discussions on the application Cllr Caroline Ellis wished it minuted that the application was in her Division. She had attended the Parish Council and public meeting about the application but had taken no part in any discussions and had come to the meeting with an open mind and would listen to the debate before making any decision. She did not consider herself predetermined. |
Public Question Time The Chair to advise the Committee of any items on which members of the public have requested to speak and advise those members of the public present of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme.
For those members of the public who have submitted any questions or statements, please note, a three minute time limit applies to each speaker.
Requests to speak at the meeting at Public Question Time must be made to the Monitoring Officer in writing or by email to by 5pm on Wednesday 24 April 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no public questions. Details of public speaking are captured under the minutes of the appropriate application.
Planning Application 43/23/0056 Land to the North of Taunton Road, Wellington, TA21 8RS PDF 489 KB To consider an application for an Outline application with all matters reserved, except for access, for a mixed use development of up to 200 No. dwellings, employment land (Use Classes E & F), an internal spine road to facilitate a rail halt/station, public open space, drainage & associated infrastructure on land north of Taunton Road, Longforth Park, Wellington (Departure from the Local Plan) Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved:
That the Planning Application 43/23/0056 for a mixed use development of up to 200 No. dwellings, employment land (Use Classes E & F), an internal spine road to facilitate a rail halt/station, public open space, drainage & associated infrastructure on land be approved subject to: a) approval of the sHRA on receipt of a Reservation Notice confirming that the required number of P-Credits have been reserved for the development; and b) completion of the S106 Agreement (Heads of Terms listed at Appendix 1); and c) the conditions listed at Appendix 2 of the agenda report. Delegated to the Head of Planning.
For 9, Against 1 Minutes: The Planning Officer introduced the application to the Committee with the assistance of a power point presentation. He provided the following updates and highlights to their written report: · There were a number of listed buildings around the site but no adverse impact on them. · An adjacent ecology field with a bat roost – this will be protected as the field has been made part of the public open space which was a change from the original plans. · Connections to the station car park had been created as a pedestrian/cycleway to avoid the bat habitat. · A number of comments had been made about the highway access. It was confirmed that discussions were to take place with the supermarket about the highway access option and that there were monies for highway amendments within the viability report and the S106 agreement includes a new railway station opening. · It was confirmed that there would be no more than 3 storeys for the dwellings and the application was subject to a phasing condition. · Station Square is to be developed as public open space adjacent to the station car park with Public Art to be installed to reflect the Wellington Monument. · It was noted that the station and car park were subject to a separate planning application, but the access and other parts of this application were integral to that application, especially the highways access, parking, links for pedestrian/cycleways and buses. · There was additional landscaping to be undertaken including a fence and bund to exclude public from the Ecology Field and bat roost, new trees and hedges to be planted.
The Committee were addressed by a local wildlife organisation, who raised concerns with the habitat for the bat roost. The trees in the area would not be suitable as, surrounded on 3 sides with the 3 storey buildings being proposed, the area would be affected by light pollution. There would be a lack of a suitable diet and impact from the proposed new railway station.
Other speakers commented as follows: · Main concern related to the highways access to the site and therefore this should be agreed before the development takes place to ensure safety. · This development was crucial as would support the proposed new railway station, elements would enhance that separate future application and the viability assessment included the facilitation of the station. During discussion, members of the Committee agreed that the most important element of the application were the highway aspects with the access to be agreed. Other technical elements of the application seemed to have been met and there was support for the proposal locally.
At the conclusion of the debate, it was proposed by Councillor Sully and seconded by Councillor Pugsley to approve the application subject to the completion of a S106 Agreement, approval of the shadow Habitats Regulation Assessment (sHRA) and the conditions as detailed within the agenda report.
That the Planning Application 43/23/0056 for a mixed use development of up to 200 No. dwellings, employment land (Use Classes ... view the full minutes text for item 95. |
To consider an application for outline planning permission with all matters reserved, except for access, comprising up to 1,450 dwellings, up to 4.91 hectares of land for strategic employment uses, up to 8 hectares of land for a through school, mixed use district centre including mobility hub, community facilities, green infrastructure, drainage works, and associated works, on land at Walford Cross, Monkton Heathfield. Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved: That Planning Application 14/21/0047 Land East of A38, south of Walford Cross, Monkton Heathfield be approved for the officers and the applicants to continue working towards a committee date of Autumn 2024. Unanimous Minutes: Councillor Cavill left the room before this application was considered.
The Planning Officer introduced the report explaining that this was an update to the application as it was requested that further time be agreed for the officers and developers to continue to work on the referral to committee.
The committee were addressed by a representative of the Parish Council who explained that they were pleased with the progress so far. However, they expressed their concerns with the proposals for the A38 and traffic through Creech St Michael and Monkton Heathfield and a number of crossings being proposed between the 2 estates.
The agent addressed the Committee confirming that the application was progressing well, phosphates were now sorted, and although there were complex issues, there were on-going discussions between the Council, Natural England and the Developers.
During discussion, Members supported the request for additional time. However they highlighted the comments made by the Parish Council and that the Developers needed to take those on board. Members also sought clarification in respect of the retail units from the previous application and it was confirmed by officers that these were being reviewed and would be enforced if necessary. It was also requested that open spaces needed managing.
It was proposed by Councillor Pugsley and seconded by Councillor Hadley to approve the recommendation as detailed within the officer`s report.
Resolved: That in respect of Planning Application 14/21/0047 Land East of A38, south of Walford Cross, Monkton Heathfield the officers and the applicants continue to work towards a committee date of Autumn 2024. Unanimous |
Planning application 49/20/0034 LAND TO THE NORTH OF BURGES LANE WIVELISCOMBE PDF 250 KB To consider an application for approval of reserved matters following Outline Application 49/17/0060 to determine layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for the erection of 71 No. dwellings with the detail required to confirm access as required by Condition No. 03 on land north of Burges Lane, Wiveliscombe Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
That Planning Application 49/20/0034 to determine layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for the erection of 71 No. dwellings with the detail required to confirm access as required by Condition No. 03 be deferred to clarify the following areas of concern: SUDS, Open Space, Allotments, Car Parking
It was also requested that the placement and types of the Affordable Housing plots be clarified.
For 9, 1 abstention
Minutes: Councillor Cavill returned to the room before the start of this application.
The Planning Officer introduced the application to the Committee with the aid of a power point presentation. They informed the committee that there had been many updates to the agenda report and therefore an amendment sheet had been distributed to the committee members. They highlighted that parking, which had been an issue, had been enhanced with additional off road spaces added.
The Committee were addressed by local residents against the application. Their comments included: · There was a huge difference in layout from the Outline to Reserved Matters applications. · The residents association had objected to the original application in relation to drainage solutions, they also considered that the conditions on the outline application had not been fully discharged and that this application should include an attenuation pond and a maintenance agreement.
The Committee were addressed by the Division Member and he supported the local residents in relation to the drainage scheme and the payment towards these shared assets. The Division Member also considered that the design should be amended, that electric charging points should be provided and that the car parking was still an issue.
The Parish Council addressed the Committee and explained that Burges Lane was a main access route into the town and tis needs to be taken into account. They welcomed the additional parking spaces and considered that the layout was better for the proposed homes.
The agent highlighted to the Committee that information had been circulated previously to them with the amendments and updates to the application. There would be private driveways and the attenuation ponds were covered by conditions.
In response to questions to from Members, the Planning Officer advised: · There would be 36% Affordable Housing within the site, · The site was included within the 5 year land supply · Management arrangements were detailed within the update sheets and reiterated that this was a civil matter and not planning. · Highways had agreed the road design and also confirmed that no safety concerns had been raised. At the conclusion of the debate, Councillor Farbahi proposed that the application be deferred to ascertain further information on the SUDS, open space,and the allotments and for the car parking to be clarified. This was seconded by Councillor Ellis. Councillor Hadley also requested that clarification be sought on the types of Affordable Housing being provided and the placement of these properties within the site. This was agreed by the proposer and seconder.
That Planning Application 49/20/0034 to determine layout, scale, appearance and landscaping for the erection of 71 No. dwellings with the detail required to confirm access as required by Condition No. 03 be deferred to clarify the following areas of concern: · SUDS, · Open Space, · Allotments, · Car Parking · The placement and types of the Affordable Housing plots.
For 9, 1 abstention
To consider an application for the approval of reserved matters following outline application 3/37/17/019 for the access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of up to 139 No. dwellings and associated works.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
That Planning Application 3/37/23/001 for the access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of up to 139 No. dwellings and associated works be approved subject to the conditions detailed in the agenda report. Unanimous
Minutes: Councillor Pugsley left the meeting at 5.28pm and took no further part in the meeting. Councillor Woods left the room before consideration of the application.
The Planning Officer introduced this reserved matters application with the assistance of a power point presentation. They confirmed that the design followed the area design, scale and layout were acceptable as was the parking, affordable housing and drainage.
The Committee were addressed by local residents in opposition to the application. Their comments included: · Issues with the highway junction due to running water and no pavements, · Road is used for journeys to the local school and therefore this would mean additional cars and pedestrians, · It would be better for the footpaths and cycleways to connect to the estate adjacent to secure safe access. · The road is not good and not currently maintained with no engagement with local residents by the applicants.
The Committee was then addressed by the agent for the application who confirmed the following: · Red line had been established at outline stage which had been confirmed by the Planning Inspector`s decision. · They had engaged with the Design Review Panel, · SUDS will alleviate the surface water issues. · The road is proposed to be adopted and therefore will be maintained if the application is granted.
At the conclusion of the discussion, Councillor Hadley proposed the approval of the application as it was considered there were no planning reasons to go against the officer`s recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Sully.
That Planning Application 3/37/23/001 for the access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of up to 139 No. dwellings and associated works be approved subject to the conditions detailed in the agenda report. Unanimous
To consider an application for the Change of use of land from agricultural to residential for siting of 4 No. gypsy pitches with associated hardstanding and the erection of 2 No. Day room buildings and 4 No. bin & cycle stores at The Gables, Wellington Road, Bradford on Tone. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
That Planning Application 05/23/0030 for the change of use of land from agricultural to residential for siting of 4 No. gypsy pitches with associated hardstanding and the erection of 2 No. Day room buildings and 4 No. bin & cycle stores be given delegated authority to grant conditional approval of the application subject to no objections raised by Natural England to the shadow Habitats Regulation Assessment (sHRA) and the applicant entering into a S106 to secure phosphate mitigation. The committee also requested an additional condition relating to the down lighting and no flood lighting. Unanimous Minutes: Councillor Woods returned to the meeting.
The Planning Officer introduced the application to the Committee with the assistance of a power point presentation. They explained that a previous appeal decision allowed an application for this site giving access to the main road. There were plenty of site screening but there was additional landscape planting proposed.
The Division Member addressed the Committee confirming that he spoke for 38 residents who had objected to the application. The access was near to a bend on the main road and was dangerous.
During discussions, the Committee members supported the application as it was considered that there was no significant harm to the area. They supported the proposal that the speed limit for the road should be reduced but that was a separate issue and not part of the planning process. No objection had been received from Highways. It was requested that an additional condition be added to ensure lighting would not have an adverse impact on the area and to restrict flood lighting.
Councillor Ellis proposed that the application be approved subject to conditions detailed within the report with the additional condition relating to lighting as proposed and this was seconded by Councillor Sully.
That in respect of Planning Application 05/23/0030 for the change of use of land from agricultural to residential for siting of 4 No. gypsy pitches with associated hardstanding and the erection of 2 No. Day room buildings and 4 No. bin & cycle stores delegated authority be given to grant conditional approval of the application subject to no objections raised by Natural England to the shadow Habitats Regulation Assessment (sHRA) and the applicant entering into a S106 Agreement to secure phosphate mitigation. The Committee also resolved that an additional condition be imposed relating to the down lighting and no flood lighting. Unanimous |
Planning Application 38/23/0406 17 TRINITY STREET, TAUNTON, TA1 3JG PDF 122 KB To consider an application for the Change of use of part residential (C3) and part community use (F2(B) to full residential use with demolition of 3 No. extensions with various repairs and restorations, erection of ground and first floor extensions and detached garage and installation of solar panels at 17 Trinity Street, Taunton. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
That Planning Application 38/23/0406 for the change of use of part residential (C3) and part community use (F2(B) to full residential use with demolition of 3 No. extensions with various repairs and restorations, erection of ground and first floor extensions and detached garage and installation of solar panels be approved subject to conditions as detailed within the agenda report. Unanimous Minutes: The Planning Officer introduced this application and the following application with the assistance of a power point presentation as one presentation on both proposals. The applications were being made by a member of staff and so had to come to this Committee as required by the Constitution. There were no adverse impacts on local residents or the locality and the proposal would bring an empty building back into use.
It was proposed by Councillor Parry to approve the application subject to the conditions in the Planning Officer`s recommendation within the report. This was seconded by Councillor Sully.
That Planning Application 38/23/0406 for the change of use of part residential (C3) and part community use (F2(B) to full residential use with demolition of 3 No. extensions with various repairs and restorations, erection of ground and first floor extensions and detached garage and installation of solar panels be approved subject to conditions as detailed within the agenda report. Unanimous |
Planning Application 38/23/0405 17 TRINITY STREET, TAUNTON, TA1 3JG PDF 101 KB To consider an application for the Change of use of part residential (C3) and part community use (F2(B)) to full residential use with demolition of 3 No. extensions with various repairs and restorations, erection of ground and first floor extensions and detached garage and installation of solar panels at 17 Trinity Street, Taunton (Listed Building Consent).
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
That Planning Application 38/23/0405/LB for the change of use of part residential (C3) and part community use (F2(B)) to full residential use with demolition of 3 No. extensions with various repairs and restorations, erection of ground and first floor extensions and detached garage and installation of solar panels be approved subject to conditions as detailed within the agenda report. Unanimous Minutes: The application was being made by a member of staff and so had to come to this Committee as required by the Constitution.There were no objections and no adverse impact on neighbouring dwellings.
Councillor Parry proposed that the application be approved as detailed within the officer`s report and this was seconded by Councillor Sully.
That Planning Application 38/23/0405/LB for the change of use of part residential (C3) and part community use (F2(B)) to full residential use with demolition of 3 No. extensions with various repairs and restorations, erection of ground and first floor extensions and detached garage and installation of solar panels be approved subject to conditions as detailed within the agenda report. Unanimous |
To receive details of an Appeal Decision received in April 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: To note the report.