Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Sedgemoor Room, Bridgwater House, King Square, Bridgwater, TA6 3AR. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence and notification of substitutions. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Alan Bradford who was substituted by Councillor Lance Duddridge.
Councillor Gill Slocombe.
Minutes from the Previous Meeting To approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Minutes: It was resolved that the minutes of the Planning Committee – North held on 8 October 2024, being proposed by Councillor Matthew Martin and seconded by Councillor Pauline Ham, to be a true record of the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To receive and note any declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting.
(The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors 2023 ) Minutes: The following Councillors declared an interest in applications on the agenda.
Councillor Bob Filmer declared an Other Registrable Interest as he was a member of the Somerset Drainage Board. However, had not been involved in those discussions.
Councillor Filmer also declared an Other Registrable Interest in Planning Application 15/24/00010 Tavener Court, Front Street, Stone Allerton, Axbridge, Somerset, BS26 2NN as he was a Councillor for Stone Allerton and was present at the Parish Council meeting but took no part in the discussions on that application.
Councillor Tony Grimes declared an Other Registrable Interest in Planning Application 15/24/00010 Tavener Court, Front Street, Stone Allerton, Axbridge, Somerset, BS26 2NN as it was in his division. However, he had taken no part in any discussions.
Councillor Alistair Hendry declared an Other Registrable Interest as he was a member of the Axe Brue Drainage Board.
Councillor Ben Ferguson declared an Other Registrable Interest in Planning Application 17/24/00044 Land North of Axbridge Road, Cheddar, Somerset, BS26 2DP as it was in his division. However, he had taken no part in any discussions.
Councillor Pauline Ham declared an Other Registrable Interest in Planning Application 17/24/00044 Land North of Axbridge Road, Cheddar, Somerset, BS26 2DP as it was in her division. However, she had taken part in some of the discussions and came to the meeting undetermined.
Councillor Brian Smedley declared an Other Registrable Interest in Planning Application 08/23/00379 23 Friam Street, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3LH as he was a Ward Member for Bridgwater Town Council. However, he had taken no part in the application at all but had noted an objection.
Councillor Kathy Pearce declared an Other Registrable Interest in Planning Application 08/23/00379 23 Friam Street, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3LH as she was a Ward Member for Bridgwater Town Council and was registered to speak against the application. She would step down from the Committee for that item and undertook to leave the room after she had spoken.
Councillor Lance Duddridge declared an Other Registrable Interest as a member of the Parrett Drainage Broad.
Councillor Matthew Martin Declared a Non-Registrable Interest in Planning Application 50/23/00069 Chapel Farm, Blakeway, Wedmore, Somerset, BS28 4UE as he had received communication about it as division member. However, he confirmed that he attended this meeting with an open mind and would make a decision after listening to the discussion. |
Public Question Time The Chair to advise the Committee of any items on which members of the public have requested to speak and advise those members of the public present of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme.
For those members of the public who have submitted any questions or statements, please note, a three-minute time limit applies to each speaker.
We are now live webcasting most of our committee meetings and you are welcome to view and listen to the discussion. The link to each webcast will be available on the meeting webpage, please see details under ‘click here to join online meeting’.
Requests to speak at the meeting under Public Question Time must be made to by 5pm on the Wednesday prior to the meeting. For those wishing to speak on an application, requests must be made by 5pm on the Thursday prior to the meeting. Minutes: Details of public speaking are captured under the minutes of the appropriate application. |
Planning Application 17/24/00044 Land North of Axbridge Road, Cheddar, Somerset, BS26 2DP To consider an application for the variation of conditions (to amend the approved plans -condition 3 and the approved wording of conditions 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 24, 27, 31, 32 and 34) of outline planning permission with some matters reserved (17/18/00073), for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of a mixed-use scheme comprising up to 100 residential units (Class C3),up to 60 bedspaces care/retirement facility (Class C2), up to 12 bedspaces extra care facility (Class C2), up to 250sqm nursery use (Class E(f)), up to 750sqm business use (Class E (g)) and up to 5 live/work units (Class C3/E (g)), with ancillary works including landscaping, access, parking and circulation space (Section 73). Additional documents: Decision: Resolved to grant outline planning permission subject to the conditions detailed in the Officer’s Report and subject to a s106 Agreement, wording of conditions 7,8 and 18 amended. Minutes: The Committee were presented with the application with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation. The Planning Officer updated the Committee explaining that the application was for the variation of conditions (to amend the approved plans -condition 3 and the approved wording of conditions 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 24, 27, 31, 32 and 34) of outline planning permission with some matters reserved (17/18/00073), for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of a mixed-use scheme comprising up to 100 residential units (Class C3),up to 60 bedspaces care/retirement facility (Class C2), up to 12 bedspaces extra care facility (Class C2), up to 250sqm nursery use (Class E(f)), up to 750sqm business use (Class E (g)) and up to 5 live/work units (Class C3/E (g)), with ancillary works including landscaping, access, parking and circulation space (Section 73).
The Planning Officer advised that the Parish Council had objected to the application. The recommendation incorporated the endorsement of the shadow Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) for the site. The Planning Officer’s presentation covered some corrections to the text of the published report and also corrections to conditions 7, 8 and 18.
The Planning Officer further confirmed that the proposals were compliant with the relevant Local Plan and Cheddar Neighbourhood Plan policies.
After discussions that followed Councillor Bob Filmer proposed to grant outline planning permission with conditions as discussed subject to a Deed of Variation to the approved Outline Planning Permission. This was seconded by Councillor Alistair Hendry.
To grant outline planning permission subject to the conditions detailed in the Officer’s Report, the corrected wording of conditions 7,8 and 18, and also subject to a s106 Agreement,
(Unanimous) |
Planning Application 50/23/00069 Chapel Farm, Blakeway, Wedmore, Somerset, BS28 4UE Erection of an agricultural building to be used for the storage of agricultural equipment, equipment, machinery, materials, produce & fodder only (part retrospective).
Decision: Resolved to grant permission subject to conditions detailed within the Officer’s Report. Minutes: The Committee were presented with the application with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation. The Planning Officer updated the Committee explaining that the application was for the erection of an agricultural building to be used for the storage of agricultural equipment, equipment, machinery, materials, produce & fodder only (part retrospective).
After discussions surrounding the proximity of the neighbour and the additional landscaping around the edge of the building, Councillor Kathy Pearce proposed to grant planning permission subject to the conditions detailed within the Officer’s report, which was duly seconded by Councillor Brian Bolt.
To grant permission subject to conditions detailed within the Officer’s Report.
(For: 11. Abstain: 1)
Planning Application 08/23/00379 23 Friam Street, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 3LH Erection of three storey, 30No. bedroom House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) and associated works.
Decision: Resolved to grant permission subject to conditions detailed within the Officer’s Report and condition 12 being amended as well as a new condition 15 to be included regarding the travel plan, and also an advice note regarding the Permit Zone. Minutes: The Committee were presented with the application with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation. The Planning Officer updated the Committee explaining that the application was for the erection of a three storey, 30No. bedroom House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) and associated works. The Planning Officer also informed that Condition 12 required amendment, so as to remove reference to the previous drainage scheme.
Councillor Kathy Pearce spoke in objection to the application. She highlighted:
· Friarn street was a densely built one way street · Residents living in the street have said that the street was already under parking pressure. · That members needed to note the objections from the Environment Agency and Conservation Officers detailed in the report. · That members be reminded that Avalon nursing home sat directly to the south and was in close proximity to the proposed development and that the heritage officer stated in his report that there would be significant harm due to the loss of setting within this site.
After further discussion and deliberations surround the setting within the site, flooding and the parking permit policy, Councillor Brian Smedley proposed to refuse planning permission based on the traffic generation D14 policy and the historic environment D26 policy. This was seconded by Councillor Lance Duddridge.
(For: 3. Against: 7. Abstain:1)
After consideration that there was no highways objection, the extant permission at the site, and the location of the site in flood zone 1 Councillor Alistair Hendry proposed to grant permission subjected to condition 12 being amended and additional condition 15 regarding the required travel plan to be added, which was duly seconded by Councillor Bob Filmer.
To grant permission subject to conditions detailed within the Officer’s Report and condition 12 being amended as well as a new condition 15 to be included regarding the travel plan, and also an advice note regarding the Permit Zone.
(For: 7. Against: 3. Abstain:1)
Variation of Conditions 2, 9, 12, 14 and 16 of Planning Permission Application No. 15/20/00019 (Erection of a dwelling and garage) to amend the approved drawings and to provide additional information. Decision: Resolved to grant permission subject to the conditions detailed within the Officer’s report. Minutes: The Committee were presented with the application with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation. The Planning Officer updated the Committee explaining that the application was for the variation of Conditions 2, 9, 12, 14 and 16 of Planning Permission Application No. 15/20/00019 (Erection of a dwelling and garage) to retrospectively amend the approved drawings and to provide additional information.
The Planning Officer further highlighted the various conditions which were to be varied, such as the driveway was going to be tarmacked with scalping on the remainder of the parking area, amendments to the design of the approved garage, approval of the installed surface water drainage and confirmation of the installment of biodiversity enhancement features.
Raheel Mahmood, agent for the application then spoke and asked Members to approve the application.
He highlighted:
· That they were working with the case officer on the varied conditions to bring the application to the point where it could be approved. · They had reached a compromise regarding the driveway emergency scheme and changed the finishing material as stated in the Planning Officer’s report. · The wall was rendered with unused stone from the demolished building to match the main house and blend in with the character of the area. · The garage wall was put back which created more turning space for cars. · They had complied with the Policy D2 and D26 of the local plan. · They submitted technical notes from an engineer to explain how to install drainage works in order to improve the drainage. · They had adhered to the ecological enhancement requirements.
After a debate surrounding the issues, and recognition that the breaches that occurred at the site were unfortunate (which this application would regularise), Councillor Alistair Hendry proposed to grant permission subject to the conditions detailed within the Officer’s report. This was duly seconded by Councillor Brian Bolt.
To grant permission subject to the conditions detailed within the Officer’s report.
(Unanimous) |
Minutes: The Committee noted the reports as detailed within the agenda for the Appeals Received and Appeal Decisions for October 2024.
(The meeting ended: 15:42)