Agenda and draft minutes
Venue: Sedgemoor Room, Bridgwater House, King Square, Bridgwater, TA6 3AR. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence and notification of substitutions. Minutes: Apologies were received from:
Councillor Gill Slocombe Councillor Bob Filmer Councillor Brian Bolt substituted by Councillor Lance Duddridge Councillor Hilary Bruce
Minutes from the Previous Meeting To approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the Planning Committee - North held on 12 November 2024 be confirmed as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To receive and note any declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting.
(The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors 2023 ) Minutes: Councillor Alistair Hendry declared an Other Registrable interest as a member of Axe Brue Internal Drainage Board but had not taken part in any discussions.
Councillor Alan Bradford declared an Other registrable interest in Planning Applications 37/24/00020 Land to the South of, Bisgood Cottages, Somerset Bridge, Bridgwater, TA6 and Planning Application 37/24/00020 Land to the South of, Bisgood Cottages, Somerset Bridge, Bridgwater, TA6. He would withdraw from the Committee for these items.
Councillor Lance Duddridge declared an Other Registrable interest as a member of Parrett Drainage Board.
Councillor Matthew Martin declared a non-registrable interest in Application no: 01/24/00022, 10A Chapel Hill, Aschott, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA7 9PY as he was in the room when discussions took place at the Parish Council Meeting but had not been involved in conversations. He had not taken any opinion and was not predetermined. |
Public Question Time The Chair to advise the Committee of any items on which members of the public have requested to speak and advise those members of the public present of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme.
For those members of the public who have submitted any questions or statements, please note, a three-minute time limit applies to each speaker.
We are now live webcasting most of our committee meetings and you are welcome to view and listen to the discussion. The link to each webcast will be available on the meeting webpage, please see details under ‘click here to join online meeting’.
Requests to speak at the meeting under Public Question Time must be made to by 5pm on the Wednesday prior to the meeting. For those wishing to speak on an application, requests must be made by 5pm on the Thursday prior to the meeting. Minutes: Details of public speaking are captured under the minutes of the appropriate application. |
Planning Application 01/24/00022 10A Chapel Hill, Ashcott, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA7 9PY Erection of a single storey extension and installation of dormer to East elevation. Minutes: The Committee were presented with the application by way of a PowerPoint presentation. The Planning Officer updated the committee explaining that the application was for the erection of a single storey extension and installation of dormer to East elevation.
There were no objections or debate and Councillor Alistair Hendry proposed to grant permission in accordance with the adopted Local and National policies which was seconded by Councillor Alan Bradford.
(Vote: For 9, Against: 0, Abstain: 1)
To grant permission in accordance with to the adopted Local and National Legislation.
Erection of 1no. dwelling, including access arrangements, landscaping and associated works. Minutes: The Committee were presented with the application by way of a PowerPoint presentation. The Planning Officer updated the committee explaining that the application was for the erection of 1no. dwelling, including access arrangements, landscaping and associated works. He further pointed out that the next application raised similar issues.
Mr Hembery was invited to speak who was objecting to the application. He highlighted:
· The application was considered to be overdevelopment for the semi-rural area, affecting its character and damaging the wildlife habitat. · There was no consultation with property owners affected by the applications. · There was limited vehicle accessibility due to a low rail-bridge.
Councillor Alan Bradford left the room.
Next to speak was Rebecca Randall who represented Polden Planning Ltd and spoke on behalf of the applicant, Mr R Cowd, highlighting:
· They acknowledged the need for new homes and emphasised the importance of small site approvals in contributing to the housing supply. · The application had support from the Town Council and the neighbours with only one objection. · The foul drainage would be managed by a package treatment plan. · The septic tank serving properties 1 – 4 would be upgraded, benefitting the environment and practicality. · The development would not significantly impact Somerset Bridge or highway safety and there were no objections from highways officers.
The Chair confirmed that she would use her discretion in allowing someone to speak who had not previously registered and allowed Councillor Alan Bradford to speak in support of the application. He highlighted:
· The access arrangements comply with D24 and D25 of the Local Plan. · The application was well supported by North Petherton Town Council and they had no objections at all to the application.
After deliberations around the rights of access over Somerset Bridge and highways law Councillor Alistair Hendry proposed to grant permission based on the Officer’s recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Matthew Martin.
(Vote: For: 8, Against: 0, Abstain: 1) [as AB had left the room]
To grant permission subject to Officer’s recommendations.
Erection of 1no. dwelling including access arrangements, landscaping and associated works. Minutes: The Committee were presented with the application by way of a PowerPoint presentation. The Planning Officer updated the committee explaining that the application was for the erection of 1no dwelling, including access arrangements, landscaping and associated works.
MrHembery was invited to speak again in objection to the application and confirmed that he had less objection to this application than the previous one.
Rebecca Randall, representing Polden Planning Ltd and speaking on behalf of the applicant, Mr R Cowd, spoke again, highlighting:
· They did expect an environmental management plan for this site and they would consult with the residents to make sure they were aware and there would be a site manager and contact details at the site for residents.
Councillor Tony Grimes proposed to grant permission based on the Officer’s recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Alistair Hendry.
(Vote: Unanimous)
To grant permission subject to Officer’s recommendations.
Minutes: The Committee noted the reports as detailed within the agenda for the Appeals Received and the Appeal Decisions for November 2024. |