Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Sedgemoor Room, Bridgwater House, King Square, Bridgwater, TA6 3AR. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence and notification of substitutions. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Gill Slocombe with Councillor Lance Duddridge attending the meeting as her substitute. |
Minutes from the Previous Meeting To approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Minutes: Resolved that the minutes of the Planning Committee - North held on 14 November 2023 be confirmed as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To receive and note any declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting. (The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors 2023 ) Minutes: Councillors B Filmer and T Grimes declared a Non-Registrable Interest on applications 24/23/00017 and 31/20/00002 as they were the Division Members but took no part in any discussion on the applications.
Councillor B Bolt declared a Non-Registrable interest in applications 13/23/00014 and 13/23/00015 as he was the Division member for this area but took no part in discussion on the application and retained an open mind on the proposals.
Councillors B Filmer and A Hendry declared a Non-Registrable Interest as they were members of the Internal Drainage Board. |
Public Question Time The Chair to advise the Committee of any items on which members of the public have requested to speak and advise those members of the public present of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme.
For those members of the public who have submitted any questions or statements, please note, a three minute time limit applies to each speaker.
Requests to speak at the meeting at Public Question Time must be made to the Monitoring Officer in writing or by email to by 5pm on day, date, year – usually Weds before. Minutes: Details of public speaking are captured under the minutes of the appropriate application. |
To consider a major planning application for the change of use of agricultural land to mixed agricultural and equestrian use, with the erection of stable block and hay/machinery store.
Decision: The application 44/23/00016 at Land on north side of Lippiatt Lane, Lippiatt Lane, Shipham, Winscombe, Somerset for the change of use of agricultural land to mixed agricultural and equestrian use, with the erection of a stable block and hay/machinery store be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the report subject to amendments to Condition 3 (lighting pollution prevention) and Condition 5 (equestrian use limited to private use) as detailed at committee. Minutes: The planning officer introduced the application to the committee with the assistance of a power point presentation. She provided an update to the report explaining that Condition 5 would be amended if the application was granted to limit the equestrian use to secure private use. It was noted that this was a major application due to the amount of land within the red line of the application, that the proposal met Policy and had no detrimental impact on the area.
The applicant spoke on the application confirming that the proposal was for their private use for horses and a few sheep, the proposal was modest in size, there were no objections from neighbours and had limited impact and ensured that materials and location proposed were suitable.
During discussions, members of the committee requested clarification on landscaping and biodiversity along with landscaping; it was confirmed that the building had enough separation from the hedging to not impact but agreed that landscaping protection could be imposed for the construction period, also that the reason to condition 3 be amended to take into account biodiversity impacts with lighting.
Councillor B Filmer proposed the recommendation subject to the amended and additional conditions as agreed with the committee and officers and Councillor Hendry seconded the proposal.
Resolved: The application 44/23/00016 at Land on north side of Lippiatt Lane, Lippiatt Lane, Shipham, Winscombe, Somerset for the change of use of agricultural land to mixed agricultural and equestrian use, with the erection of a stable block and hay/machinery store be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the report and subject to amendments to the reason to Condition 3 (lighting pollution prevention) and amendment to Condition 5 (equestrian use limited to private use) as detailed at committee and an additional condition relating to the imposition of a condition to protect the landscape during construction, the wording of this condition to be delegated to the Service Director to be agreed in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the committee.
(Unanimous) |
To consider an application for the erection of 3no. non- illuminated free standing facia advertisement signs. Decision: The application 13/23/00014 at land at Cannington Bypass Roundabout East, Cannington, Bridgwater for the erection of 3 non-illuminated free standing facia advertisement signs be approved subject to the consideration of the conditions detailed within the report. Minutes: The planning officer introduced the application to the committee with the assistance of a power point presentation.
The Division member commented on the application stating that he considered that there were too many signs in this area due to the HPC information signs and that these signs would add to the information overload for drivers.
It was proposed by Councillor Hendry that the recommendation be approved as he considered that there were no adverse impacts on the highways or the roundabout and the proposal was seconded by Councillor Bradford.
Resolved: The application 13/23/00014 at land at Cannington Bypass Roundabout East, Cannington, Bridgwater for the erection of 3 non-illuminated free standing facia advertisement signs be approved subject to the consideration of the conditions detailed within the report. (For 11, Against 2) |
To consider an application for the erection of 4no. non- illuminated free standing facia advertisement signs. Decision: That the application 13/23/00015 at land at Cannington Bypass Roundabout West, Cannington, Bridgwater for the erection of 4 non-illuminated free standing facia advertisement signs be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the report. Minutes: The committee were informed by the planning officer that this application was for the other end of the Cannington bypass and that the signs were of the same dimensions of the previous applications.
The Division member expressed the same concerns as the previous application but the application was proposed to be approved by Councillor Hendry and Councillor Ferguson seconded the proposal.
Resolved: That the application 13/23/00015 at land at Cannington Bypass Roundabout West, Cannington, Bridgwater for the erection of 4 non-illuminated free standing facia advertisement signs be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the report. (For 11, against 2) |
To consider an application for the erection of two storey rear extension part on site existing conservatory (to be demolished). Decision: The application 24/23/00017 25 Red House Road, East Brent, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 4RX for the erection of a two storey rear extension part on site of existing conservatory (to be demolished) be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the officer`s report with an additional condition to secure a parking plan for an additional space. Minutes: The planning officer introduced the application to the committee with the assistance of a power point presentation. He confirmed that the conservatory would be removed and a 2 storey extension was proposed, he reiterated that the land at the rear was not included as part of this application.
The committee were addressed by a neighbour in opposition to the application as he considered that the proposal would adversely impact their property due to visual impact and did not respect the amenity of their property.
The committee were also addressed by a representative of the Parish Council and their comments included the domination of the proposed extension on the neighbouring dwelling, also that there would be surface water run off issues due to the filling in of the drainage ditch. The Parish Council also raised the lack of parking spaces and that there should be 3 spaces plus a visitor space.
The applicant then addressed the committee who commented that they wished to extend their property as they had 4 children and wished to remain in the local area. They also confirmed that they had approval from the Internal Drainage Board in relation to the drainage ditch.
In response to questions from Members, the planning officer confirmed that the design and materials proposed would match the current property, that it was considered that there would be no additional overlooking of the neighbouring dwelling. Councillor Hendry proposed granting the recommendation, however this proposal was not seconded.
As some concerns were raised about the lack of parking spaces proposed, Councillor Bruce proposed to approve the recommendation subject to an additional condition to secure a third parking space, this was seconded by Councillor B Filmer.
Resolved: The application 24/23/00017 25 Red House Road, East Brent, Highbridge, Somerset, TA9 4RX for the erection of a two storey rear extension part on site of existing conservatory (to be demolished) be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the officer`s report with an additional condition to secure a parking plan for an additional space, the wording of this condition to be delegated to the Service Director to be agreed in consultation with the chair and Vice-Chair of the committee. (For 11, Against 1) Councillor Ham left the room during consideration of this application and therefore did not take part in the vote. |
To consider an application for the change of use of land to form 1no. Gypsy/Traveller pitch comprising of home, 1no.touring caravan, erection of one dayroom, formation of pony paddock and associated works (part retrospective). Decision: The application 31/20/00002 at The Stables, Bridgwater Road, Lympsham, Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset, BS24 for the change of use of land to form 1 gypsy/traveller pitch comprising of 1 mobile home, 1 touring caravan, erection of a day room, formation of a pony paddock and associated works be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the officer`s report. Minutes: Councillor Ham returned to the committee for the remainder of the agenda.
The planning officer introduced the application to the committee with the aid of a power point presentation. he explained that the application was part retrospective as the was a mobile home on site, however the principle of development had been met and there were no adverse impacts on the local area as there was mature screening and no visibility issues; there were also good connections to local services with footpaths and bus services. The main issue related to flooding as the site was within Flood Zone 3a. The planning officer confirmed that the site was protected with river and sea defences and there had been other applications within the area that had been granted by the Planning Inspector.
The committee were addressed by the applicant who commented that her family had lived on the site for 4 years and her four children went to the local school and that they wanted to settle there.
In response to questions from Members it was confirmed that foul drainage and flood warning was covered by conditions while the mobile home had already been raised from land level as a flood mitigation measure.
At the conclusion of debate, it was proposed by Councillor B Filmer to approve the application and this was seconded by Councillor Bradford.
Resolved: The application 31/20/00002 at The Stables, Bridgwater Road, Lympsham, Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset, BS24 for the change of use of land to form 1 gypsy/traveller pitch comprising of 1 mobile home, 1 touring caravan, erection of a day room, formation of a pony paddock and associated works be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the officer`s report. (Unanimous) |
To consider an application for the change of use of land to enable formation of 4no. pitch site for gypsies and travellers (revised scheme).
Decision: That the application 54/23/00002 land at Green Paddock, Cossington Lane, Cossington, Bridgwater, Somerset be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the officer`s report with the amendments detailed to Condition 4 (trigger point to be added) and Condition 7 (to include requirement to submit and agree details of Package Treatment Plan) and an additional Condition 10 relating to surface water drainage. Minutes: The planning officer introduced the application with the assistance of a power point presentation. He explained that this was a revised application for 4 pitches as a previous application was for 9 pitches. It was considered that this site was well screened with no visual dominance, there were no objections from the highway Authority or Education and to ensure that the small area of the site which was affected by phosphates, the layout was amended and drainage changed with conditions to mitigate for ecological enhancement.
The planning officer updated the committee as further comments had been received from Woolavington and Cossington Parish Councils who considered that the area was being dominated by traveller sites and conditions had not been met on other sites and that this application was being proposed to meet policy.
Members sought clarification from officers about the drainage system proposed and landscaping. It was requested that conditions 4 and 7 were amended to include trigger points for work to be undertaken, details of the Package Treatment Plant and an additional condition for surface water drainage to protect the local area.
It was proposed by Councillor Hendry that the application be approved subject to the amended conditions and additional condition and this was seconded by Councillor T Grimes.
Resolved: That the application 54/23/00002 land at Green Paddock, Cossington Lane, Cossington, Bridgwater, Somerset be approved subject to the conditions detailed within the officer`s report with the amendments detailed to Condition 4 (trigger point to be added) and Condition 7 (to include requirement to submit and agree details of Package Treatment Plan) and an additional Condition 10 relating to surface water drainage, the wording of these conditions to be delegated to the Service Director to be agreed in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of the committee.
(For 12, Abstention 1) |