Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Sedgemoor Room, Bridgwater House, King Square, Bridgwater, TA6 3AR. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services Email: 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Councillors Andy Kendall and Tony Robins.

Councillors Mark Healey and Leigh Redman joined the meeting remotely.


Minutes from the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To approve minutes from the previous meeting.


Resolved that the minutes of the Human Resources Committee held on 10 October 2023 be approved as a correct record.


Resolved that the minutes of the Human Resources Committee held on 10October 23 be confirmed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive and note any declarations of interests in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting.

(The other registrable interests of Councillors of Somerset Council, arising from membership of City, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes: City, Town & Parish Twin Hatters - Somerset Councillors 2023 )


There were no additional declarations of interest.


Public Question Time

The Chair to advise the Committee of any items on which members of the public have requested to speak and advise those members of the public present of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme.

For those members of the public who have submitted any questions or statements, please note, a three minute time limit applies to each speaker and you will be asked to speak before Councillors debate the issue.

We are now live webcasting most of our committee meetings and you are welcome to view and listen to the discussion. The link to each webcast will be available on the meeting webpage, please see details under ‘click here to join online meeting’.


The Chair noted that no public questions had been received.


Chief Officer Pay Award 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 95 KB

To consider the report about the Chief Officer Pay Award 23/24.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered and discussed the report and sought and received assurance about the terms and conditions relating to the pay award for the Chief Executive that were agreed at the time of his appointment in October 2022, and that the proposed pay increase was in line with nationally agreed pay award for Chief Officers of Local Authorities.

The Committee agreed:

  • to note the nationally agreed Green Book, pay award for 2023/24, and the updated Somerset salary rates for grades 17 to 4. 
  • to note that the new pay structure for Chief Officers (Executive Directors and Service Directors) included the 2023/24 pay award as agreed at full Council in May 2023.
  • a 3.5% pay increase to the Chief Executive for 2023/24.



The Chair invited Sarah Lewis – Service Manager – Workforce Reward to introduce the report. And she explained that Members were being asked to consider the report and the recommendations below:

-Note the nationally agreed pay award and updated Somerset salary rates.
-Note the new structure for chief officers including 23/24 pay award.

-Agree a payment award of 3.5% increase for the chief executive.

There was a discussion, and Members received reassurances on the following points:

The backdating of the pay award; the backdating of pension; how the backdated pay aligns with chief executives across the country; the date of pay award and the discussion of chief executives pay at full council meetings in 2022.

There was a brief discussion about the report discussed at full council to confirm the chief Executive’s appointment and points were answered by Sari Brice – Strategic Manager HR practice and Alyn Jones – Executive Director – Strategy Workforce Localities. The committee were satisfied with responses given.

An amendment to the final recommendation to include “subject to this not having previously been agreed by full council” was suggested. The amendment, having been proposed and seconded, was unanimously agreed and the Committee agreed to award a 3.5% pay increase for the chief executive.



Pay Policy Statement 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 80 KB

To note the report in reference to Pay Policy Statement 24/25.

Additional documents:


The Committee having considered and discussed the report agreed to:

         Recommend that the Chief Executive submit the amended Pay Policy Statement for 2024-25, to full Council for approval.

         Note that the Pay Policy Statement will require in-year amendments to reflect the 2024/25 pay awards once agreed.


The Chair invited Sarah Lewis – Service Manager – Workforce Reward to introduce the report.

The committee were asked to consider the report and the two recommendations:

-       That the chief executive takes the payment policy report to full council.

-       That the amount of interim proposed pay that needs formal approval from Resource Management Board be decreased to £350 a day from £500.

A discussion was had, and the following points were noted:

Clarification over the changes in Page 13, section 11.1; clarification over item 8.

The report was passed by the committee. There were two abstentions. Councillors Pearlstone and Robbins.


Health and Safety Policies

To receive an update on Health and Safety Policies.


The Committee agreed to defer this report to the next meeting.


This item was deferred to the next committee meeting 26 March.


Employment Policies

To receive an update on Employment Policies.


The Committee agreed to defer this report to the next meeting.



This item was deferred until the next committee meeting 26 March.


Workforce Update

 To receive an update on workforce matters.


The interim Director of Workforce was invited to provide an update on workforce matters and the following points were noted.

-       The focus on the organisation is supporting the financial emergency.

-       New set of values have been launched by the organisation.

-       An update on Tier 4 restructuring.

-       An update was given on wellbeing support for staff.

-       Developing a new business case for a new approach

-       Allocation of senior staff to specific projects to support the organisation.


Committee Workplan pdf icon PDF 33 KB

To go through the committee forward workplan.


The Committee considered and agreed the workplan and some additional agenda items/reports were suggested for future meetings.


The Chair invited members to consider the Committee’s forward workplan of agenda items scheduled for future meetings.

There was a brief discussion and reports on the following topics were requested for future meetings:

·       An update on the number of staff vacancies and verifying data held on SAP.

·       Feeback/reports to show staff engagement with CareFirst over the last 12 months.

-       The number of locum staff, and work to safeguard those in hard to recruit roles during the Council restructuring/transformation.

-       An update on learning and development of staff and an overview of apprentices at the Council including the apprenticeship levy.


The Chair, after ascertaining there were no other items of business, thanked all those present for attending and closed the meeting.