Issue - meetings
Transformation Board deep dive - CLA
Meeting: 18/09/2024 - Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families (Item 8)
8 Transformation Board- deep dive - Children Looked After PDF 365 KB
To consider PowerPoint presentation.
Note – the Chair will allow 30 minutes for this agenda item.
The Committee received a presentation on the deep dive undertaken on Children Looked After and areas being explored and further areas to explore.
Agreed that the Executive Director will write to the President of the Family Division formally and ask support in trying to reduce the length of time Court proceedings are taking, as there are judicial areas, including Taunton which are taking longer than other areas.
The Committee received a presentation from the Council’s Service Director, Children & Families, Jayne Shelbourne-Barrow on the deep dive undertaken on Children Looked After, the areas being explored and further areas to explore.
The Committee discussed the presentation in detail and the following points were raised and responded to:-
· with regard to the information on length of care proceedings, significant concern expressed about the situation with regards to court delays (Taunton highlighted in particular) which impacts on children returning to family, adoption – the Executive Director agreed that she would write to the President of the Family Division formally and ask support in trying to reduce the length of time Court proceedings are taking, as there are judicial areas, including Taunton which are taking longer than other areas.
· the audits undertaken and the deep dive undertaken of 11 – 15 year olds and whether it is a ‘typical’ sample – confirmed there will be further quality assurance to be undertaken to investigate and to look for learning.
· would like further information / reasons behind those children ceasing to be Looked After.
· increase in numbers of CLA – the rise is proportionate and mapping in line with statistical neighbours.
· query about Special Guardianships – agreed to circulate the link to policy / guidance on this.
· confirmed there is regular contact and meetings between Children’s Services and Adult Social Care around transitions.
In conclusion the Chair thanked officers for the update presentation and asked for a report back to the Committee if required. The Committee noted the presentation.