Issue - meetings
Scrutiny Communities Work Programme
Meeting: 11/09/2024 - Scrutiny Committee - Communities (Item 59)
To discuss the work programme.
To assist the discussion, the following documents are attached:-
a) The Committee’s work programme
b) The Committee’s outcome tracker
Please use the following links to view the latest Somerset Council Forward Plans and Executive Forward Plan of planned key decisions that have been published on the Council’s website:
Somerset Council Forward Plans
Somerset Council Executive Forward Plan
Cllr Andy Dingwell raised a question about whether the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) should remain under community responsibility in the new structure, or if it would be more appropriate for it to be managed by a different committee? Chris Hall confirmed that it currently is split between Communities and Adults but he felt that it made sense for it to come to Communities committee for discussion however the business plan and strategy would be held within Adults so there is a conversation that is required.
Chris also reported that Responsibility for rough sleepers had already moved to Adults responsibility.
Cllr Dawn Denton queried whether it was possible to include within the work programme any additional pressures we have as a Council and look at how we could support residents through libraries/communities spaces? Chris Hall agreed this would be ok to include on the forward plan for the committee but being careful to ensure we don’t duplicate any work already happening through revenues and benefits team.
The CCTV service was discussed and it was agreed that now would be a good time to rearrange the visit to the team noting this is coming back for discussion at the next committee meeting.
Glastonbury Festival wash up item this was discussed and Chris Hall although the report covers various council’s responsibilities the intention is to come to Communities with a single report and presentation as required which other departments have fed into as required.
It was agreed that Environmental Health could come to a future meeting to explain the overspend their budget.
As Chair, Cllr Dawn Johnson encouraged members to raise any other items they feel should come to the committee between the meetings.
The Committee resolved to add the following items to the Work Programme: -
· Open Spaces,
· Visit to CCTV site in Bridgwater,
· HRA budgets (Housing Revenue Account),
· Customer Service Annual Report,
· Environmental Health and
· Financial Hardship and local support available.