Issue - meetings

Planning Application X - address

Meeting: 09/07/2024 - Planning Committee - North (Item 130)

130 Habitat Regulations Assessment for Planning Application 50/24/00021 Land At, Combe Batch, Wedmore, Somerset, BS28 pdf icon PDF 65 KB

To consider a Habitat Regulations Assessment for Land at Combe Batch, Wedmore, Somerset, BS28.

Additional documents:




That the Habitats Regulation Assessment Report originally dated 11th September 2020, updated in June 2023 and 21st May 2024 be endorsed by the Planning North Committee, as the competent authority. In reaching the decision to agree the Habitats Regulation Assessment, the Council considers that the proposed development would not have an adverse impact on the integrity of a European site.





The committee were presented the Habitats Regulation Assessment for the planning application at the land at Combe Batch, Wedmore. Members of the committee agreed that the concerns of the parish council had been assessed and that there would be no adverse impacts that would not be mitigated via the conditions attached to the planning application.

Councillor Filmer proposed that the assessment be endorsed and this was seconded by Councillor Grimes.




That the Habitats Regulation Assessment Report originally dated 11th September 2020, updated in June 2023 and 21st May 2024 be endorsed by the Planning North Committee, as the competent authority. In reaching the decision to agree the Habitats Regulation Assessment, the Council considers that the proposed development would not have an adverse impact on the integrity of a European site.

