Issue - meetings

Asset Rationalisation programme: Taunton office accommodation

Meeting: 15/07/2024 - Executive (Item 168)

168 Asset Rationalisation programme: Taunton office accommodation pdf icon PDF 167 KB

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Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the Executive resolved to:


1.              Approve the basis for the Council to enter intolease/licence agreements with 2 local partners to take accommodation at DeaneHouse, Taunton as set out in the business case in Appendix A; 

2.              Delegate authority to the Service Director – Strategic AssetManagement and Head of Estates Operations in consultation with theLead Member for Economy, Planning and Assets to enter into andcomplete the Lease/Licence Agreements, and coordinate necessary resourceto implement the decision; 

3.     Delegate authority to the Service Director – Strategic AssetManagement to authorise expenditure as identified in the business caseto remodel B Block at County Hall using a proportion of income from thefirst year of the licenses; 

4.     Relocate impacted staff from Deane House to County Hall,implementing revised parking arrangements as agreed via collectiveconsultation with Trade Unions.  




The Leader of the Council, Cllr Bill Revans, invited the Lead Member for Economic Development, Planning & Assets, Cllr Ros Wyke, to introduce the report.


Service Director – Strategic Asset Management, Oliver Woodhams, presented the report, highlighting: that this is a step on the journey of property rationalisation; the other sites within Taunton to be considered (A Block); the ongoing work around this; the risks, in particular the impact on staff and other users of the building.


The Leader of the Council, Cllr Bill Revans, invited comments from other Members present, questions and points raised included: that although the timeline is difficult this is too difficult an opportunity to miss; whether there would be break out space for Deane House when it is used for Committee Meetings; that the ground floor space would be retained for meetings and customer service; the importance of the B Block refurbishment; the parking situation; the importance of signposting for customer services.


The Leader of the Council concluded the discussion and proceeded to vote on the recommendations with a wording amendment, which were agreed.



Following consideration of the officer report, appendices and discussion, the Executive resolved to:


1.              Approve the basis for the Council to enter intolease/licence agreements with 2 local partners to take accommodation at DeaneHouse, Taunton as set out in the business case in Appendix A; 

2.              Delegate authority to the Service Director – Strategic AssetManagement and Head of Estates Operations in consultation with theLead Member for Economy, Planning and Assets to enter into andcomplete the Lease/Licence Agreements, and coordinate necessary resourceto implement the decision; 

3.     Delegate authority to the Service Director – Strategic AssetManagement to authorise expenditure as identified in the business caseto remodel B Block at County Hall using a proportion of income from thefirst year of the licenses; 

4.     Relocate impacted staff from Deane House to County Hall,implementing revised parking arrangements as agreed via collectiveconsultation with Trade Unions.