Issue - meetings

Planning Application 23/23/0040/LB - Little Fort, St Michaels Hill, Milverton, TA4 1JS

Meeting: 19/03/2024 - Planning Committee - West (Item 88)

88 Planning Application 23/23/0040/LB - Little Fort, St Michaels Hill, Milverton, TA4 1JS pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To consider an application for the installation of 18 No. solar panels on the south facing roof of Little Fort, St Michaels Hill, Milverton.

Additional documents:



That planning application 23/23/0040/LB for listed building consent for the installation of 18 No. solar panels on the south facing roof of Little Fort, St Michaels Hill, Milverton be APPROVED.


(voting: 9 in favour, 1 against)


The Chair allowed the circulation of four photographs showing views of the property both with the trees in leaf and without leaves.


The Planning Officer then presented the application with the assistance of a PowerPoint presentation.


The Applicant and two division members spoke in support of the application highlighting the design, layout and temporary nature of the solar panels. The need for the building to remain relevant and that the suggested alternative ground sited solar panels took up a considerable amount of garden and were significantly less efficient.


Councillor Gwil Wren then left the meeting.


The Committee discussed the proposal and, whilst acknowledging that conservation areas were precious, felt that with the design and layout of the panels, and the limited views of the property, that they caused little impact. Members considered Historic England’s guidance and the legislation and understanding that the solar panels could easily be removed when newer technology was available, felt that on balance and in this particular instance, it would be appropriate to grant permission.


The Committee then adjourned for a comfort break.


Upon resuming the meeting it was proposed by Councillor Ross Henley and seconded by Councillor Caroline Ellis to grant listed building consent on the basis that in the view of the elected members, having regard to this specific proposal, it was considered that the level of harm would be less than substantial due to the limited views of the proposed development. However, the harm identified would be outweighed. by the environmental benefits of the proposal.


That planning application 23/23/0040/LB for listed building consent for the installation of 18 No. solar panels on the south facing roof of Little Fort, St Michaels Hill, Milverton be APPROVED.


(voting: 9 in favour, 1 against)