Decision details

Regional Adoption Agency Joint Scrutiny Group

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families

Decision status: Implemented

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee received and noted the report from the meeting of the Regional Adoption Agency Joint Scrutiny Group, held on 25 July 2024 and the Groups’ current Terms of Reference.


Agreed that the Chair, Vice Chair, Cllr Nicolson and the Executive Director will meet to review the terms of reference, with a view to formulating a response which will then be shared with the Committee.


It was noted that there will need to be further discussion by the Scrutiny Group about the terms of reference and its review by the Strategic Board before the Scrutiny Group can sign it off.

Report author: Claire Winter

Publication date: 25/09/2024

Date of decision: 18/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 18/09/2024 - Scrutiny Committee - Children and Families

Accompanying Documents: