Decision details

Future Transport

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Climate and Place

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee was advised that with the Council had to have a new Local Plan and Local Transport Plan in place by 2025.

A presentation was given highlighting the:

§  Local Transport Plan process

§  Local Plan process

§  Guiding principles adopted by the Executive

§  Placemaking & Movement principles

§  New ‘vision led’ approach to local transport plans which focused on outcomes and local priorities

§  Carbon reduction and the Local Transport Plan

§  County’s carbon emission data

§  The proposed next steps

Members discussed the presentation and the following points were made:

Ø  Because people would find carbon reduction challenging and would be concerned, there was a need to ensure things were properly explained. Outlining how it would apply to them, and highlighting that it was not a war on motorists.

Ø  The need to look at alternative fuels for council vehicles particularly the recycling fleet e.g. biofuels, gas turbines or electricity, the current front runner, where the biggest reduction in carbon was likely to be achieved.

Ø  Sufficient public transport e.g. buses and trains , so people don’t have to drive, reducing carbon and saving them money.

Ø  The need for cycling infrastructure e.g. quiet streets and the need to engage with bus services on allowing passengers with bicycles on board.

Ø  Cross party support on climate change action was needed.

Members acknowledged that a task and finish group should be set up with its scope to be drafted in due course.




That a Local Transport Plan Task & Finish Group be set up.

Publication date: 19/07/2023

Date of decision: 19/07/2023

Decided at meeting: 19/07/2023 - Scrutiny Committee - Climate and Place

Accompanying Documents: