Decision details
Priority Group 1 - Code of Conduct Complaints Process and Media Plan
Decision Maker: Standards Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Members considered the report and having noted the officer responses shown in the tracked changes agreed that both the Hearing Procedure and the Guidance on making a complaint should be recommended for adoption. They then considered the two process flow charts, and whilst they agreed that the one produced by officers was more technically accurate, they all believed that the one produced by the Priority Group would be more easily understood by a layman, and should be the one used.
In respect of the Media Protocol the Committee felt that it would be helpful to have the costs of the complaints recorded, not only in case a Freedom of Information request was made, but for their own information and to help them gauge whether the process was adequately resourced or not. They were advised that whilst the Monitoring Officer’s time and the individual investigation costs could be recorded, this was not routinely done and that there were also many other ancillary costs to be considered. After a discussion it was agreed that the Protocol should be adopted and that the Monitoring Officer (MO) would report back to the Committee on the feasibility of recording costs (action MO). After which Priority Group 1 would review the need to amend the Protocol in respect of providing costs.
To request that the Monitoring Officer report back on what costing options could be provided.
To recommend that Full Council adopt the:
1. Investigations and Hearing Procedure
2. Somerset Council Guidance on making a Code of Conduct Complaint (including process flow chart)
3. Somerset Council Code of Conduct Complaints Media Protocol
Report author: David Clark
Publication date: 28/06/2023
Date of decision: 28/06/2023
Decided at meeting: 28/06/2023 - Standards Committee
Accompanying Documents: