Meeting documents
SWT Taunton Shadow Town Council
Thursday, 1st December, 2022 6.15 pm
- Meeting of Taunton Shadow Town Council, Thursday, 1st December, 2022 6.15 pm (Item 18.)
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Officers will present a verbal update on this item at the meeting with slides.
It is recommended that the Shadow Town Council:
· Note the update on the Implementation Plan progress and provide any comments.
Officers presented a verbal update on this item with a slide pack. This would be a regular item. It was reassuring to have the assurance from the external technical advisor and he was thanked for his work so far on the project. A recap was given on the Key Programme Milestones some of which had already been discussed earlier in the meeting. A reminder was given on the tranche planning.
During the discussion of this item, Members made comments and asked questions which included: -
· A query was raised as to the Photo ID requirement for this election and the publicity around that, including any information that could be given on the poll card and the risks of disenfranchisement.
· The programme was being supported by Communications with a Communication Plan. This would be captured for the Plan.
· Guidance from the Electoral Commission would be circulated setting out the implications of the Election Act 2022 and an item on the Election was forthcoming in February.
· A query was raised as to whether the Town Council was required to continue with the IDverde contract?
· The contract with IDverde was not coming to an end as a result of the transition to a new Town Council and it would be novated to the new Somerset Council. When the contract comes to its natural end, then the Town Council could consider whether to be part of a wider contract, or go to the marketplace to commission services.
· Further information on the Committee structures would be brought forward in due course.
· It was stated that the new website specification needed to be carefully developed with accessibility in mind.
· Queries were raised over ensuring the assets and spaces of those parishes being absorbed and the arrangements and contracts for the management of those, including Community Halls.
· When the budget setting for the new Town Council was done it looked at the existing Parish budgets as building blocks, so the costs would have been factored in, accepting there may be some legal costs and processes for this transfer.
· A progress update was also requested on the existing Parish Clerks.
· It was considered that TUPE would apply and all three had shown some interest in the process. All were Part time. Two SWT Colleagues were also in scope. The important thing was to look after the individuals.
· A request was made that the slides were sent out with the Agenda pack in advance of the meeting to allow Councillors time to digest the information.
· Concern was raised over the few number of meetings remaining to consider the remaining issues.
· A request was made to ensure the visibility of the Risk Register to Members was considered, including confidentially as and when necessary.
· A written response would be provided on the impact of Pre-Election Period and the Elections team were currently working on the impacts of the new Voter ID laws. The Election costs would be re-charged to the new Town Council as it is standalone. It was estimated that costs could be up to £25,000, but it was unclear if this included the additional costs due to the new legislation.
RESOLVED that the Shadow Town Council:
· Noted the update on the Implementation Plan progress and provide any comments.