Meeting documents
SWT Taunton Shadow Town Council
Thursday, 1st December, 2022 6.15 pm
- Meeting of Taunton Shadow Town Council, Thursday, 1st December, 2022 6.15 pm (Item 15.)
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This report sets out an option for accommodating the office and meeting space needs of the to be created Taunton Town Council.
Taunton Shadow Town Council are requested to make comment on the report and recommendations.
The report sets out an option for accommodating the office and meeting space needs of the to be created Taunton Town Council. The proposed option provided stability for that Council in the short term without tying them into a lengthy commercial lease. The space proposed was a separate room on the Ground Floor of Deane House with external access and use of shared kitchen and toilet facilities. The decision on accommodation was needed as a matter of urgency so that ICT and telephony arrangements can be put in place, these were expected to have long lead in times with suppliers.
The report sought to cover the roles of Somerset West and Taunton Council with a view to the impacts on Somerset Council, as well as giving consideration to the needs of the Taunton Town Council. Somerset West and Taunton Council were able to make this offer without impacting on current working arrangements in Deane House. There was no negative impact on the Somerset Council as office rationalisation decisions have yet to be approved and the initial lease offered is limited to 12 months.
Taunton Shadow Town Council were requested to make comment on the report and recommendations.
During the discussion of this item, Members made comments and asked questions which included: -
· A request was made to be provided with a floor plan of the proposed space.
· Deane House would not need to be open to the public to allow the space to be accessed by staff or members.
· The savings of around £16,000 was considered beneficial for the Town Council to invest in services for residents.
· Clarification was sought on how many people could be accommodated in the space as a maximum?
· Around 10 people was considered not unreasonable.
· Clarification was provided on the costs associated with the Security Guard, who would be required to stay on whilst the building is in use for evening meetings.
· Concern was raised that the room was not sufficiently bold in signalling the arrival of the Town Council.
· It was suggested that the work to find a more permanent setting needed to start now rather than April 2023 in terms of cost/availability, with Somerset County Council and SWT pressed by this body to provide a premises for the Town Council e.g., The Old Municipal Buildings. (OMB)
· The OMB did already have existing services within it and concerns were raised about its accessibility.
· Support for the proposed option was stated and that it allowed the Council to deliver on Day One in a modern building.
· A suggestion was made of a preliminary list of alternative options for the future was suggested.
RESOLVED that the Taunton Shadow Town Council noted and approved of the following:
2.2. SWT Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Planning and Transportation/ Deputy CEO & Director of Place and Climate Change approve that:
2.3 The accommodation requirements for the ‘to be’ Taunton Town Council are agreed and a lease is entered into for 12 months starting on 1st April 2023.
2.4 It is further recommended that consent is given to allow works to that space to commence under licence in the lead up to the lease start date.
Supporting documents: