Meeting documents
SWT Taunton Shadow Town Council
Thursday, 1st December, 2022 6.15 pm
- Meeting of Taunton Shadow Town Council, Thursday, 1st December, 2022 6.15 pm (Item 14.)
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At the first meeting of the Shadow Town Council Councillors considered the suggested Programme Vision Statement which would provide a concise summary of the future state the Programme would deliver.
Officers presented the following statement at that meeting for comment:
"To create a safe, legal and functioning Town Council for the residents of Taunton that provides a representative body for the community that: ?
· Enables the effective promotion of the well-being of residents, ?
· Contributes to the provision of services in the area in an economic and efficient manner ?
· Promotes community engagement and effective and convenient local government."
Councillors held a discussion and requested that this was placed on the next Agenda for a fuller discussion and finalisation. Comment was made on the Vision Statement and whilst it was understood and agreeable that the Council going forward was safe and legal it was considered important to add ‘and creating a viable future for this organisation’.Rather than a comment on financial stability the phrasing had been interpreted as ensuring any body was ‘fit’ for the future. Some concern was raised that the statement as originally presented was not sufficiently visionary or aspirational. Comment was made that ‘safe and legal’ couldn’t just mean that the Shadow handed over to elected members, it was important to caveat that it must be functioning e.g., if public conveniences are transferred on the 1st April, they can’t be locked and unclean etc.
The Shadow Town Council is recommended to:
· Approve and adopt a Programme Vision Statement.
At the first meeting of the Shadow Town Council Councillors considered the suggested Programme Vision Statement which would provide a concise summary of the future state the Programme would deliver.
Officers had initially presented the following statement at that meeting for comment:
"To create a safe, legal and functioning Town Council for the residents of Taunton that provides a representative body for the community that:
· Enables the effective promotion of the well-being of residents,
· Contributes to the provision of services in the area in an economic and efficient manner
· Promotes community engagement and effective and convenient local government."
Councillors had held a discussion at the first meeting and requested that this was placed on this meeting’s agenda for a fuller discussion and finalisation. Some concern had been raised that the statement as originally presented was not sufficiently visionary or aspirational.
The Chair introduced the item and stated that the Vision Statement was only intended to cover the period of the Shadow Town Council. The Programme Manager outlined the key purpose of the Vision Statement and its relation to the programme. Further conversations would take place with the clerk when appointed to review and refine the statement and think to the longer term. A Business Architecture Model would then follow on from the Vision Statement.
Councillor Weston stated that she had spent a lot of time comparing this statement to other Town and Parish Councils.This statement as was drafted was considered functional but not inspiring. She had prepared a revised Vision Statement and Mission Statement, consulting Local Government Association Guidance. Her proposed statements were as follows;
To establish an inclusive and effective Town Council that informs, empowers and connects our communities and improves the quality of life for residents of all ages.
· To consult residents, organisations and businesses in year one to identify priorities for the first five years
· To seek value for money when deciding policies and procedures
· To ensure our information, communications and venues are accessible to all residents
· To work with Somerset Council and other key agencies for the benefit of our communities
· To provide safe spaces for young people to socialise and develop interests and skills
· To adopt and promote carbon neutral policies and practices
· To protect and promote Taunton’s diverse heritage, arts and cultural assets.
Councillor Deakin thanked Cllr Weston for her efforts.
During the discussion of this item, Members made comments and asked questions which included:-
· Comment was made that it was understood that this was only for the Shadow period, but there needed to be reference to the Shadow Council should help create the means for a Council that can shape Taunton’s future development. There was also a desire to see reference to Taunton being a prominent destination in the South West Region. These two aspects were missing from a statement that could apply to any Council.
· It was considered imperative that residents were taken on this journey too. A suggestion was made that wording was included that stated that citizens were listened to and had a chance to influence public decision making as well as values and responds to community initiatives. The intent was that the future Council was one that embraced good ideas.
· The currently drafted Vision Statement was not considered uniquely Taunton and lacked ambition.
· A more exciting statement was considered to bring in more engagement from the public with the new Council.
· It was considered important that plain English language was used rather than more technical terms.
· It was considered difficult to determine a revised Statement and Mission at a Committee meeting.
· It was felt that the Vision Statement could be changed and altered as we went through the process as needed.
· It was suggested that the Statement also needed to encompass the need to look for central government funding e.g. Town Deals and liaising with the Community and Voluntary Sector.
· It was considered important that the Vision and Mission gave a steer to the new Town Clerk as to areas of focus.
· It was felt further work was needed to encapsulate the comments that had been made.
· Concern was raised about the Mission Statement and its risks to tie the future Town Council to a certain course.
RESOLVED that the Shadow Town Council approved the following:
1. Deferred the approval and adoption of a Programme Vision Statement.
2. Councillor Weston’s Vision and Mission Statements would be circulated to the Shadow Town Council for Councillors to feedback any suggestions, changes or additions and that document would then be presented again at the January meeting for adoption and approval.
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