Meeting documents

SWT Taunton Shadow Town Council
Thursday, 1st December, 2022 6.15 pm

The Chair to advise the Committee of any items on which members of the public have requested to speak and advise those members of the public present of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme.


For those members of the public who have submitted any questions or statements, please note, a three minute time limit applies to each speaker and you will be asked to speak before Councillors debate the issue.


We are now live webcasting most of our committee meetings and you are welcome to view and listen to the discussion. The link to each webcast will be available on the meeting webpage, but you can also access them on the Somerset West and Taunton webcasting website.





1.     Ms Helen Lawy – Taunton Green Forum

"In the vision statement there is nothing about the climate and ecological crisis.  Will the council actions be underpinned by these crises and use them to help form their ambition?

Is the garden town still an aspiration? 

Nature needs a holistic approach where we take a landscape approach. Will the town council work with surrounding parishes, SCC and EA?  

How can the friends of groups work constructively with the town council?"

Response delivered by Cllr Dixie Darch:

Thank you for your question on behalf of The Green Forum. We look very much forward to working constructively with ‘The Friends of’ Groups and keeping them informed both now and in future as an external stakeholder associated with our outstanding parks, when Taunton Town Council looks to take on ownership of a large number of said Parks in the area from April next year, with finalisation of those still to come from Somerset County Council. I am sure our Stakeholder Engagement Lead and Officers from the Assets and Services Workstream would welcome a further conversation outside of the meeting.


I am also sure the Town Council when up and running will be engaging with the partners you mentioned as well as others on environmental matters in line with their statutory duties and functions.


The Garden Town work is being delivered by Somerset West and Taunton Council currently following Taunton’s designation in 2017 and recent reports on its governance have been taken through both SWT Scrutiny and Executive. The Shadow Town Council has on its Forward Plan a Briefing in January to be given on this topic by the SWT Implementation Manager which I would encourage you to attend and observe if interested.


Regarding the Vision Statement, I would caution that this is a specific programme vision statement designed to provide a summary of the future end state we want to deliver for 1st April, it is not the Vision Statement or Corporate Strategy for the Town Council itself, which will be something the Town Council will likely want to develop very quickly after the Elections in May next year for their four year term. I wouldn’t want to pre-determine those Members considerations but I am sure Climate and Ecology will be important considerations.

Thank you again.


2.     Mr Roger House – Resident


"On subject of report of Offices for fledgling Town Council - Support report for provision of town council offices, but think town centre operational space will soon be required also for Town Councils employees / contractors. The Schedule of assets to be transferred to the new council does not yet include the Market Charter for Taunton (which was conferred on the old Borough Council operating with the boundaries of the new town council area). My experience in trying to help promote the Produce Market up to 2010 and keep it going on the Priory Bridge Market site after the agricultural market moved suggests a more local council will better placed to promote the town. Salisbury have a massive market square and income to boot, our High Street and Castle Green are more restricted and geared to low cost community events rather than quick commercial gain for the First Tier council. The new town council will need operational space in the heart of the town centre, there is a need to reserve some on a temporary basis as for the offices."   

Response delivered by Cllr Tom Deakin:

Thank you very much for your question Mr House and for your engagement so far with the Community Governance Review, and now the Implementation Phase of setting up a new Town Council.


I am grateful to you for your feedback and support of the proposed accommodation option being presented to the Shadow Town Council this evening. Regarding the requirement for operational space in the town centre, as was outlined in the reports taken through Council, it was anticipated when establishing the Town Council’s budget that the town council would purchase these services from the unitary from the outset. This can then be reviewed later, for example when current contracts end. Therefore there will be no requirement, at least initially, for the Town Council itself to hold operational space in the Town Centre as contracted staff will be delivering the service as is using their existing facilities.


Thank you for your comments on the continuation of Markets in the Town. I am sure Officers will take these on board. I understand that SWT Council does not directly own or manage markets in Taunton, but previously a street trading consent had been issued to the District Council’s Business Development department who in turn allowed for street trading and event organisers to run markets, fairs, festivals in Taunton town centre.


In relation to events, it will be almost certain that the Town Council will want to play a key role in supporting events in the Town and as part of that budget setting exercise previously mentioned a proportion of the budget was set at £100,000 to the Town Council for Events in 2023/24. The staffing budget also includes a provision for staff to organise events in the town.The district council currently holds an events budget of a similar amount which funds activities such as Christmas events and Christmas lights etc. and much more.


I hope this information is helpful.

Thank you.