Meeting documents
SCC Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board & Integrated Care Partnership
Thursday, 17th September, 2020 11.00 am
- Meeting of Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board & Integrated Care Partnership, Thursday 17th September 2020 11.00 am (Item 451.)
To receive the reports and view the presentation.
The Board viewed a report on the Mental Health consultation. The detailed feedback on the consultation was presented.
Following up the consultation feedback, the next steps will be:
· Consideration given to the feedback from the consultation and the impact this has on the proposal taken to the public during the consultation.
· Considering the findings of a travel sub-group to explore and identify options to mitigate the travel issues raised through the consultation
· Collecting feedback from scrutiny committees and the Health and Wellbeing Board
· Bringing a Decision-Making Business Case (DMBC) to the CCG Governing Body on 24th September.
The Board discussed the report in detail.
The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board: -
· Welcomed the update and detailed report setting out the progress with the mental health consultation and the findings of the independent report compiled by Participate.
The Board had seen a report on the Mental Health consultation. The detailed feedback on the consultation was presented. This confirmed that 538 surveys had been returned, 732 people attended the 63 events organised to promote and discuss the consultation, and 3,538 people were reached through a Facebook Live event. Views regarding the consultation were very divided and polarised; 52% were opposed to consolidating services in Yeovil, principally due to travel distances, time, and costs and problems with public transport. Those in favour, 37%, felt this way based on safety and the quality of facilities. The highest number of returned surveys were in the Wells area, where the proposals were strongly opposed; excluding those areas, the majority of survey response—54%--were in favour with 33% against. The range of views were proportionately the same whether garnered from surveys, face-to-face meetings, or Facebook live events. The detailed report from Participate (the independent consultants) was in the published agenda pack.
Following up the consultation feedback, the next steps will be:
· Consideration given to the feedback from the consultation and the impact this has on the proposal taken to the public during the consultation.
· Considering the findings of a travel sub-group to explore and identify options to mitigate the travel issues raised through the consultation
· Collecting feedback from scrutiny committees and the Health and Wellbeing Board
· Bringing a Decision-Making Business Case (DMBC) to the CCG Governing Body on 24th September.
The Board discussed the report in detail and the following points were raised:
· Concern about travel times and the fact that for some their nearest service might be in the neighbouring county. Assurance was given that the ‘cross-border’ arrangements are in place, and these would not be impacted by the proposed moved of some acute beds from Wells to Yeovil. The rationale for the move was to provide a better and safer service for those who needed to access acute mental health beds in Somerset.
· Concern about the focus of services in the Southern part of Somerset. The Board were assured that someone in crisis would be taken to the nearest appropriate facility and that still could be out of area if that was nearer.
· There was some discussion about the difficulty of getting to either of the proposed locations if one was relying on public transport and for families visiting this could be quite a challenge.
· It was confirmed that the acute beds in question were for those aged over 18.
· A concern was raised about the risk of people living in the north and east of the county could become invisible and the need for assurance that the community-based service would be sufficiently strengthened to support the proposed move. The Board heard that there is a current recruitment drive to employ up to 90 new Community Psychiatric Nurses (CPNs). The Board were reminded that Mindline operate 24hours 7days a week across the County.
The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board: -
· Welcomed the update and detailed report setting out the progress with the mental health consultation and the findings of the independent report compiled by Participate.
Supporting documents:
FINAL-Fit for My Future Update on Review of Acute Mental Health Inpatient Beds, item 451.
FINAL-Mental Health Consultation Findings Report-Proposed Changes to Acute Mental Health Beds for Adults -HWBB-17 September 2020, item 451.
FINAL-Fit for My Future Mental Health Update-Feedback from Public Consultation-HWBB-17 September 2020, item 451.