Meeting documents
SCC Audit Committee
Thursday, 24th November, 2022 11.30 am
- Meeting of Audit Committee, Thursday 24th November 2022 11.30 am (Item 14.)
To approve both
· County Councils & Pension Fund accounts.
Please note: Members of the audit committee are required to attend a Statement of Accounts training session at 9.30am on 24th November in the Luttrell room, prior to committee.
Paul Griffin, Chief Accountant Somerset County Council introduced the Statement of Accounts and explained the sign off process of the County Councils & Pension Fund accounts. He explained that the accounts cannot be formally approved until statutory legislation has come into place regarding Highways Infrastructure Assets, and therefore asked the committee to consider and comment on the Statement of Accounts at this point, delaying the final sign off until the next meeting.
Prior to this meeting, members had received a Statement of Accounts training session where a full question and answer session on the 21/22 Statement of Accounts had also taken place.
There were no further questions or comments received from members.
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