Meeting documents
SSDC South Somerset District Council
Thursday, 22nd September, 2022 6.30 pm
- Meeting of South Somerset District Council, Thursday 22nd September 2022 6.30 pm (Item 63.)
At the beginning of this item, the Chairman asked that all Members stand and observe a minute silence in honour of HRH Queen Elizabeth II.
The Chairman said it was with profound and deep sadness that he learned of the death of HRH Queen Elizabeth II. He said she had been an inspiration and example to all and she embodied all the best qualities of honesty, decency, integrity, humility and a tireless devotion to public service. He said she had touched the lives of millions of people across the world and was respected by world leaders of all political and religious persuasions and was able to bring people together by her compassion and understanding. In a changing world, she was stability, certainty and reassurance. He referred to her being a mother, grandmother and great grandmother and said all her family would miss her greatly. She would be remembered as one of the greatest leaders of her time. He hoped the future king would be able to guide the country, the Commonwealth and the global community in the respectful way the queen had.
The Deputy Leader of Council said the late queens name had been linked with key events of contemporary history in the United Kingdom. For many decades the queen had enjoyed the love and respect of her subjects as well as being held in high regard on the world stage – the words said by the Leader of Russia of our late queens 70 years of service and her achievements. He noted that she had been born in a house in London, not a palace, and had not expected to inherit the crown, but following the abdication of her uncle in 1936, greatness had been thrust upon her. On her fathers death, she became the queen of several realms; the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon at 25 years old. He said she was the worlds most experienced diplomat as she strengthened the Commonwealth through royal tours and broadened the monarchy into the Royal Family. Her use of broadcast media to reach out to ordinary people all over the world though her Queens message every Christmas. He noted the challenging events during her reign which as a leader she adapted and overcame. He said she was a constant in everyone’s lives, always caring, calm and reassuring.
The Leader of the Conservative Group said he fully endorsed the comments already made in relation to the service and dedication of Her Majesty throughout her long life and reign. He noted she was still carrying out duties two days before her death in constitutionally meeting and changing Prime Ministers. He recalled watching her coronation ceremony on television in 1953 and hearing her making her solemn oath of service which she kept throughout her reign. He also referred to her courage during many public engagements with minimum protection from special officers. He said he had the honour to meet her at a charity reception in St James Palace some years ago where she had thanked him for his charity work and as a serving police officer. He concluded that all thoughts were with the Royal Family at the moment, particularly King Charles III and wished him a long reign.
The Leader of the Independent Group said that for over 70 years the late Queen Elizabeth II had given an incredible contribution to her nation, the UK, Commonwealth and the world. When she became queen in 1952 it had been 7 years since the end of World War II and the nation needed stability and a reason to look to the future. He said that Queen Elizabeth II gave this in abundance to the nation and the Commonwealth. She had always served with a sense of calm, particularly in difficult times and over the last two weeks many images of the queen had been shown on television of her smiling and happy and this was how she should be remembered. He said the country should be proud of the well-planned delivery of her funeral in a dignified manner which was truly deserved.
Councillor Tony Capozzoli remembered memories of Royal Garden Parties he had attended to represent SSDC where he had met the queen and he thanked her for the treasured garden party invites to all Councils across the UK.
Councillor Pauline Lock said the queen had been a remarkable lady who would never be forgotten. She noted that she and her husband had planted a purple beech tree the previous week in honour of the platinum jubilee and as part of the Queens Green Canopy of trees, a scheme which had been extended. She encouraged others to also plant trees in the queen’s memory.
The Chairman thanked all for their contributions.
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