Meeting documents
SSDC South Somerset District Council
Thursday, 25th March, 2021 6.30 pm
- Meeting of South Somerset District Council, Thursday 25th March 2021 6.30 pm (Item 251.)
That Full Council agreed to:- |
a. |
note the confidential appendices, including the report by Charcoal Blue and associated business case documents, to refurbish the existing site and facilities; and to extend the site with both additional educational and income earning facilities, which will assist in repaying the costs of the proposed project over time;
b. |
approve the underwriting of the project costs by SSDC, of up to £23.01m, to be offset by grant funding applications, yet to be applied for; and £10million of government funding already allocated in the March 2021 budget, (subject to accepting and meeting terms and conditions, which are yet to be received);
c. |
delegate authority to a Project Board that consists of the Portfolio Holder for Health & Well-Being (Chair), the Leader of the Council, the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, the Portfolio Holder for Finance & Legal Services, the Director of Commercial Services and S151 Officer to progress the project, take appropriate decisions for the project governance set up and reporting arrangements to District Executive on project progress;
d. |
approve the cashflow forecast in the business plan.
Reason: |
To agree to refurbish and develop The Octagon Theatre and underwrite the full value of the project, up to £23.01 million (excluding VAT that is recoverable in respect of this project), subject to the successful application for various forms of grant funding which would partially offset the overall project costs. |
(Voting: unanimous in favour)
The Portfolio Holder for Health and Well-Being thanked the public speaker for their support for the project. He noted that following investigation, VAT would not be applicable on the project and a grant of £10m had been allocated from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport to be managed by the Arts Council for England.
The Arts and Entertainment Venues Manager provided Members with a short presentation on the proposals for the Octagon Theatre. Although the venue was currently closed, he hoped that it would re-open soon. He introduced representatives of Charcoal Blue and DCA Consultants who had assisted in developing the business plan. They noted that:-
· audience numbers had doubled over the past 10 years with visitors coming from across the south west.
· the theatre was in need of upgrading and modernising generally
· there were no disabled facilities back-stage so accessibility needed to be addressed.
· the seat capacity would be increased to 900 with the construction of a circle.
· national and international touring companies would be attracted to the new improved venue.
· a new accessible entrance from the car park would be created.
· green building materials and a sustainable design would be used to meet the Councils environmental objectives.
· a cinema, community space and outreach work was proposed.
· a fly tower would attract West End productions.
· amateur and community groups which used the theatre were key and it was important that they were retained.
The Arts and Entertainment Venues Manager concluded by outlining the funding sources for the project, including a repayable loan and a ticket levy. He also outlined the economic impact to the wider community of the proposal and the arts engagement and outreach service across the district.
In response to questions, the Arts and Entertainment Venues Manager advised:
· the Arts needed to more to reach a wider audience and for more people to experience the theatre.
· Tickets currently started at £5.00 and the school visits to the annual pantomime were important and were often supported by the schools PTA.
· Education and outreach would be developed further and some concerts were free for schools to attend.
· Abri Housing subsidised theatre tickets for their residents.
· There was a ticket levy for the Westland complex (currently £1.50) and also one for the Octagon Theatre (currently £1.00).
· SSDC would underwrite the project to £12.76m through a loan.
· The Octagon Theatre currently received a subsidy from SSDC but it was envisaged that would not be required in the future.
The Director for Commercial Services and Income Generation confirmed that part of the de-carbonisation grant funding which the Council had recently been awarded would be used to install green energy efficient measures during the development work.
The Chairman said that the meeting could retire to a confidential session if there were any specific questions raised on the confidential business plan.
During discussion, several Members voiced their support for the project which they felt could attract new businesses to the town.
At the conclusion of the debate, the Portfolio Holder for Health and Well-Being thanked the Arts and Entertainment Venues Manager and his team for their work in bringing the redevelopment project forward. He said that it was a big project which could eventually reach a point where a subsidy was no longer required. He proposed that the recommendations be agreed and they were seconded by Councillor John Clark. A named vote was taken and Members unanimously confirmed the recommendations (voting: unanimous in favour).
The Chairman said he was pleased with the result of the vote and he thanked the Arts and Entertainment Venues Manager for his achievements during his time with SSDC and for what he was about to achieve with the new project.
That Full Council agreed to:- |
a. |
note the confidential appendices, including the report by Charcoal Blue and associated business case documents, to refurbish the existing site and facilities; and to extend the site with both additional educational and income earning facilities, which will assist in repaying the costs of the proposed project over time;
b. |
approve the underwriting of the project costs by SSDC, of up to £23.01m, to be offset by grant funding applications, yet to be applied for; and £10million of government funding already allocated in the March 2021 budget, (subject to accepting and meeting terms and conditions, which are yet to be received);
c. |
delegate authority to a Project Board that consists of the Portfolio Holder for Health & Well-Being (Chair), the Leader of the Council, the Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, the Portfolio Holder for Finance & Legal Services, the Director of Commercial Services and S151 Officer to progress the project, take appropriate decisions for the project governance set up and reporting arrangements to District Executive on project progress;
d. |
approve the cashflow forecast in the business plan.
Reason: |
To agree to refurbish and develop The Octagon Theatre and underwrite the full value of the project, up to £23.01 million (excluding VAT that is recoverable in respect of this project), subject to the successful application for various forms of grant funding which would partially offset the overall project costs. |
(Voting: unanimous in favour)
Supporting documents:
6 Octagon Theatre Development Full Approval final V3, item 251.
PDF 419 KB
- Restricted enclosure View the reasons why document 251./2 is restricted
- Restricted enclosure View the reasons why document 251./3 is restricted
- Restricted enclosure View the reasons why document 251./4 is restricted
- Restricted enclosure View the reasons why document 251./5 is restricted
Appendix 5 - Arts Engagement and Outreach Proposal, item 251.
PDF 437 KB
Appendix 6 - SSDC Arts Entertainment - Octagon - Westlands - Annual Report 2020 A4 DOWNLOAD, item 251.