Meeting documents

SWT Planning Committee
Thursday, 12th August, 2021 1.00 pm

Venue: The John Meikle Room - The Deane House. View directions

Contact: Tracey Meadows Email: 

Webcast: View the webcast

No. Item




Minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning Committee

    Minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee to follow.

    Additional documents:


    (Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 22 July, not circulated with the agenda but circulated separately)


    Resolved that the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 22 July be confirmed as a correct record.


    Proposed by Councillor Hill, seconded by Councillor Palmer


    The Motion was carried.


Declarations of Interest or Lobbying

    To receive and note any declarations of disclosable pecuniary or prejudicial or personal interests or lobbying in respect of any matters included on the agenda for consideration at this meeting.


    (The personal interests of Councillors and Clerks of Somerset County Council, Town or Parish Councils and other Local Authorities will automatically be recorded in the minutes.)

    Additional documents:


    Members present at the meeting declared the following personal interests in their capacity as a Councillor or Clerk of a County, Town or Parish Council or any other Local Authority:-



    Application No.

    Description of Interest


    Action Taken

    Cllr C Palmer


    Previous Chair of Minehead Town Council when this application was discussed. Did not take part in the discussion or the vote. Discretion not fettered.


    Spoke and Voted

    Cllr L Whetlor


    Applicant was known by the Cllr and family member.


    Took part in the debated but did not Vote



Public Participation

    The Chair to advise the Committee of any items on which members of the public have requested to speak and advise those members of the public present of the details of the Council’s public participation scheme.


    For those members of the public who have requested to speak, please note, a three minute time limit applies to each speaker and you will be asked to speak before Councillors debate the issue.


    Temporary measures during the Coronavirus Pandemic

    Due to the temporary legislation (within the Coronavirus Act 2020, which allowed for use of virtual meetings) coming to an end on 6 May 2021, the council’s committee meetings will now take place in the office buildings within the John Meikle Meeting Room at the Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton. Unfortunately due to capacity requirements, the Chamber at West Somerset House is not able to be used at this current moment.  


    Following the Government guidance on measures to reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19), the council meeting rooms will have very limited capacity.  With this in mind, we will only be allowing those members of the public who have registered to speak to attend the meetings in person in the office buildings, if they wish (we will still be offering to those members of the public that are not comfortable in attending, for their statements to be read out by a Governance and Democracy Case Manager).  Please can we urge all members of the public who are only interested in listening to the debate to view our live webcasts from the safety of their own home to help prevent the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).

    Additional documents:


    Application No.





    Mr B Slade

    Local Resident




Public Question Time

    Additional documents:


    Question from Mr Martin Pakes


    Regarding the proposed demolition of swimming pool and erection of mixed-use development comprising of retail, commercial, restaurant, residential, car park and associated public realm at Coal Orchard, Taunton


    Although the development is progressing, Conditions 3 (Surface water drainage) and 13 (Materials) have not been complied with. What steps are the Planning Committee taking to enforce these conditions?


    Response from the Planning Specialist;


    With regards to the water drainage scheme, whilst it had not technically and  formally signed off, the submission and the technical design of a surface water drainage had been approved and agreed with the Lead Local Flood Authority who were the regulators for surface water drainage. How the Coal Orchard had been constructed was technically satisfactory. The final paperwork with regards to surface water details were to follow.


    A Case Officer visited the site in September with regards to the materials used on site and these had been verbally agreed. The reason that this issue had not been finally signed off was because of a Section 73 Planning Application. The Section 73 sought to amend the original permission and it sought to amend the material condition. The Section 73 was accepted for the surface water drainage works for pre-commencement which would eventually become a compliance condition. The reason that this had not been issued yet was because we needed a Deed of a variation to the Section 106 agreement. When you arrange a Section 73 application you have effectively granted a new planning permission so any obligations that we secured on the original scheme would no longer exist if we did not prepare a Deed of Variation effectively the legal paperwork needed to be prepared which linked the original Section 106 to the new Section 73 application. This work was currently with our Solicitors in Shape Legal.


    The Case Officer had written a report and this had been reviewed by the Principal Planning Specialist and the Chair of the Planning Committee, and based on the level of comments received, it was a decided that this would be a Chair a delegated decisions referral decision and subject to those final technical points being resolved.


    The developer had not been treated any differently to any of the other developers. The position that we were now in was to resolve those issues mentioned.






3/21/20/0104 pdf icon PDF 190 KB

    Demolition of workshop and erection of 1 No. detached dwelling with associated works at Workshop, Quay Lane, Minehead, TA24 5QU

    Additional documents:


    Demolition of workshop and erection of 1 No. detached dwelling with associated works at Workshop, Quay Lane, Minehead, TA24 5QU


    Comments by members of the public included;


    ·       Concerns the application site once formed part of the residential curtilage of Proctors, Northfield Road’. ‘Proctors ‘never owned this site area in question. The conveyance document dated October 1946, when the house name was ‘Glenleigh’, and it makes reference to parts of this site area and the property to the West, as having belonging to ‘The Minehead Land Company’, and ‘The Minehead Electric Supply Company Ltd.’ Also at some time, the MOD had a Drill Hall on the site, and following that, the ‘Brotherhood ‘used it as a mission hall;


    ·       There was no vehicle access from Quay Lane to Martlet Road, only pedestrian access;


    ·       Concerns that the dwellings surrounding the site have all been erected through garden development from host dwellings along Northfield Road and Blenheim Road. Again this statement is incorrect, as ‘Proctors ‘, formerly ‘Glenleigh’, at no time owned this land;


    ·       Concerns with the statement that the existing building was in sound weather tight condition, and currently used as a workshop and store as ancillary space to the former owners residential dwelling. This statement was incorrect, as this building and site was never under the ownership of the ‘Proctors’ property, except for an area around the garage to the North of the workshop site;


    ·       Concerns with right of way over a 3m wide section of the site for vehicle parking within the garage;


    ·       Character and Appearance;


    ·       Concerns that most of the dwellings were relatively modern and formed part of the rear gardens of dwellings along Northfield Road and Blenheim Road;


    ·       Concerns with discrepancies with the existing floor plan and the proposed floor plan drawings. The North side wall of the existing garage is one distance from the South wall of my garage, then the North wall of the proposed building, has moved more than halfway across the shared maintenance access way, towards my garage. On their drawing, my boundary line is shown to the West of the rear of my garage, and then shown dotted between the two garages, but no boundary line to the front of my garage, is not shown. This, as shown on my documents, runs from the East end of the workshop garage, in a North direction to my boundary, and this area is within the ‘Proctors ‘ boundary;


    ·       Access to this site was very constricted. Concerns with the uninterrupted access to my garage and rear gateway, while the work proposed, was being carried out;


    ·       Concerns with the adverse effect that this would have on its foundations, being an old pre-cast concrete building;


    ·       Concerns with the reservations as to the viability of this proposal because the construction traffic arising would create a completely unacceptable degree of obstruction off Quay Lane. This being a public highway upon which the proposed dwelling also has the use of the external space to the rear of the Eastern garage. Construction of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39.


Latest appeals and decisions received pdf icon PDF 43 KB