Meeting documents
SCC Somerset Waste Board
Friday, 4th December, 2020 10.00 am
Venue: Virtual meetings via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Laura Rose- Email: Julia Jones - Email: or 07790577232
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Details of all Members’ interests in District, Town and Parish Councils can be viewed on the Council Website at County Councillors membership of Town, City, Parish or District Councils and this will be displayed in the meeting room (Where relevant).
The Statutory Register of Member’s Interests can be inspected via request to the Democratic Service Team.
Minutes from the meeting held on 25th September 2020 PDF 95 KB The Board is asked to confirm that the draft minutes of the previous meeting are accurate or to agree any amendments that are necessary. Decision: To add Cllr M Martin in attendance and to circulate the confidential appendix c to Board members to approve at the next Board meeting in February 2021. To amend the wording regarding the reference to agency staff on page 13 of the minutes.
With these amendments being made the minutes of the meeting were confirmed as a correct record. |
Public Question Time The Chair will allow members of the public to present a petition on any matter within the Board’s remit. Questions or statements about any matter on the agenda for this meeting may be taken at the time when each matter is considered (see guidance notes). |
Performance Report Q2- July 2020 to September 2020 PDF 69 KB To consider the report. Additional documents: Decision: There was a reference made on Somerset Waste Partnership figures of 97% of recycling staying in the UK and how this compares to other authorities. This will be followed up and reported back to Board members.
A comment was made regarding the plastic film recycling scheme in supermarkets and how this was handled and whether the Somerset Waste Partnership could implement a similar scheme. The Managing Director said he would follow this up and report back to the Board.
The issue with mattresses recycling was raised and board members were informed early conversations were taking place and they would be updated of any progress in this area.
Somerset Waste Board RESOLVED to note the performance results in the Second Quarter 2020/21 Performance Management Report. |
Recycle More Update PDF 144 KB To consider the report. Additional documents: Decision: A concern was raised about the length of period the bins are being left out on the pavement and causing problems for those people with accessibility issues. The Managing Director assured the Board about talking to the relevant colleagues and seek an improvement to the situation.
The Board would like to formally thank Somerset Waste Partnership Officers for the hard work with the communications and operations which has resulted in the successful roll-out of Recycle More. The Somerset Waste Partnership Head of Communications and Engagement noted and will pass on to the relevant staff.
Somerset Waste Board RESOLVED to note the successful progress made in implementing Recycle More. |
Finance Performance Report Update PDF 137 KB To consider the report. Additional documents: Decision:
The Board noted for the key milestones reached on the audit report on GDPR to be brought to the panel within the regular Performance report update.
Somerset Waste Board RESOLVED to:
1) Note the summary financial performance for 2020/2021 as contained in this report, and how this will impact on the budgetary requirements for 2021/2022.
2) Approve a Draft Budget of £47,015,858 for 2021/2022 for partner authority consultation, as set out in section 3.0 below, taking into account the potential savings requests from the County Council as set out in paragraph 3.2.
3) Note the findings of the Internal Audit report on GDPR and the actions being undertaken to address the findings. |
Somerset Waste Partnership Business Plan 2021 - 2026 PDF 82 KB To consider the report. Additional documents: |
Somerset Waste Board Forward Plan PDF 72 KB To review the latest version and items of business for future meetings. Decision: The Board RESOLVED to note the latest version of the Forward Plan. |
Information Sheets Issued Since the Last Meeting This is an opportunity for Members to raise matters contained in the following information sheets issued since the last meeting. A compendium of information sheets will be available for members to inspect at the meeting. |
Any other urgent items of business The Chair may raise any items of urgent business. |