Meeting documents
SCC Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board & Integrated Care Partnership
Monday, 26th September, 2022 11.00 am
Venue: Luttrell Room - County Hall, Taunton. View directions
Contact: Terrie Brazier - Email: Democratic Services on Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllr Lucy Trimnell, who however attended virtually.
Declarations of Interest To receive any new declarations.
Details of all Members’ interests in District, Town and Parish Councils can be viewed on the Council Website at County Councillors membership of Town, City, Parish or District Councils. The Statutory Register of Member’s Interests can be inspected via request to the Democratic Service Team.
Decision: The list of declared interests on the website was noted. There were no new declarations.
Minutes: The list of declared interests on the website was noted. There were no new declarations.
Minutes from the Meeting Held on 13 June 2022 PDF 92 KB The Board is asked to confirm that the minutes are accurate. Decision: Cllrs Chris Booth, Janet Keen, and Gill Slocombe, as well as Judith Goodchild of Healthwatch, advised that they had attended the last meeting virtually. The Chair noted that during the discussion on the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment, a Council Member who spoke actually was resident of Somerset, despite his business being in Dorset. Cllr Keen wanted it minuted under the discussion on future topics for the Work Programme that she had suggested, with respect to mental health services outpatient access and particularly those patients who are already in the system with a diagnosis, that having an urgent outpatient appointment is critical, especially for those with a diagnosis of depression and/or anxiety. The minutes were approved with those alterations.
Minutes: Cllrs Chris Booth, Janet Keen, and Gill Slocombe, as well as Judith Goodchild of Healthwatch, advised that they had attended the last meeting virtually. The Chair noted that during the discussion on the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment, a Council Member who spoke actually was resident of Somerset, despite his business being ... view the full minutes text for item 41. |
Public Question Time The Chair will allow members of the public to ask a question or make a statement about any matter on the agenda for this meeting if the questions or statements are received by the deadline of 5:00 pm three clear working days before the meeting. Decision: Minutes: |
To receive the verbal update from the NHS ICB and to receive the report on proposed future Health and Wellbeing Board and Integrated Care Partnership arrangements (report to follow the agenda). Decision: The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board approved the following recommendations:
2. That the Board endorses the transition arrangements for the period October 2022 – March 2023, the appointment to the Board of additional members as identified in 2.5 of the report and revised quorum arrangements as detailed in 2.6.The Board agrees to recommend the proposed changes set out in the report to Full Council to consider and approve.
3. That the Board notes the timescales associated with the Integrated Care Strategy and agrees to set up a working group to support the ICP’s refresh and further development of the strategy.
4. That the Board agrees a significant refresh of the needs assessment under the JSNA to support the development of the strategy.
Minutes: The Chair invited Jonathan Higman, Chief Executive of the Integrated Care Board for NHS Somerset, and Paul von der Heyde, Chair of the Integrated Care Board and the Integrated Care System for NHS Somerset, as well as Co-Vice Chair for the Health and Wellbeing Board, to introduce themselves. ... view the full minutes text for item 43. |
Somerset Children and Young People's Plan PDF 79 KB To receive the report and presentation, which will include the interactive platform Mentimeter (attendees will go to to participate). Decision: The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board noted the Children and Young People’s Plan.
The Board was ... view the full minutes text for item 44. |
Health, Care, and Housing PDF 117 KB To receive the report, presentation and recommendations. Additional documents:
Decision: The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board approved the following recommendations:
Minutes: The Chair invited Mark Leeman, Strategy Specialist for Housing, Health and Wellbeing from Somerset West and Taunton District Council, to present the report, which had undergone several consultations, was quite wide-ranging, and focused on closer working. He advised that Debbie Sorkin of the NHS Leadership Centre, Ian Burden of the ... view the full minutes text for item 45. |
Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board Work Programme PDF 77 KB To discuss any items for the work programme. To assist the discussion, attached is the Board’s current work programme. Decision: The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board noted the Work Programme.
Minutes: The Board considered their work programme, recognising that with all of the changes to the governance and membership of the Board, it would be necessary to review future agendas and work programmes with a view toward oversight of the statutory responsibilities of the HWBB and the ICP. The Board acknowledged ... view the full minutes text for item 46. |
Any other urgent items of business The Chair may raise any items of urgent business. Decision: Prof Trudi Grant noted that the consultation on Local Community Networks is ongoing and is due to finish in mid-October; these LCNs could have a big impact on this Board’s future work, so input is really needed.
Cllr Gill Slocombe noted that she had spoken to the Leader of the Council about a problem in Bridgwater, i.e., that there are no walk-in centres for vaccination.
Julian Wooster, Director of Children’s Services, advised that he will be leaving SCC, so this will be his last meeting with the Health and Wellbeing Board. He thanked everyone for all their support on improving children’s services over the years and noted that the Health and Wellbeing Board has been essential in bringing together all of the agencies, different structures and partnerships across Somerset. Minutes: The Board raised and noted the following issues:
Local Community Networks consultation – This was ongoing and due to end in mid-October 2022; these LCNs could potentially impact on the Board’s future work.
Vaccination walk-in centres - Concerns were raised around the lack of these centres in Bridgwater.
Director of ... view the full minutes text for item 47. |