Meeting documents
SCC Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board & Integrated Care Partnership
Thursday, 17th September, 2020 11.00 am
Venue: Virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams
Contact: Jennie Murphy - Email: Julia Jones - Email: or 07790577232
Note: Please note this meeting starts at 11am
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Details of all Members’ interests in District, Town and Parish Councils click the links below:
County and District Councillors County, Parish and Town Councillors
The Statutory Register of Member’s Interests can be inspected via the Democratic Service Team.
Decision: There were no new declarations. Minutes: There were no new declarations. |
Minutes from the meeting held on 16 July 2020 PDF 102 KB The Board is asked to confirm the minutes are accurate. Decision: The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting. Minutes: The minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting. |
Public Question Time The Chair will allow members of the public to ask a question or make a statement about any matter on the agenda for this meeting. Decision: There were no public questions. Minutes: There were no public questions. |
Covid-19 Dashboard To receive the verbal update. Decision: The Board had a verbal update from the Director of Public Health on the latest published data on the Covid Pandemic.
The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board: - · Welcomed the update and · Agreed to continue to reinforce the message- Wash hands, keep 2m distance, and test only when necessary.
Minutes: The Board had a verbal update from the Director of Public Health on the latest published data on the Covid Pandemic. The figures for 16 September 2020 are:
· 1485 detected cases to date in Somerset · 10 outbreaks being actively managed, 53 being kept under surveillance and 129 outbreaks have been ... view the full minutes text for item 449. |
Homelessness-Health, Care & Housing MOU / Homelessness Reduction Board PDF 93 KB To receive the reports and view the presentation. Additional documents:
Decision: The Board discussed a report from the Strategic Housing Group which proposed the establishment of a Homeless Reduction Board. The proposal arose from the paper discussed by the Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board in July 2020 entitled Rough Sleepers and Complex Homeless -Covid response, lessons learned and planning for the future. The report recommended that action was needed to deliver improved collaboration between the health, care and housing systems, in order to improve the health outcomes of homeowners, tenants and the homelessness population. In order to help achieve that, this report proposes the adoption of a Health, Care and Housing Memorandum of Understanding. The partnership response to protect both rough sleepers and those homeless with complex issues during the COVID pandemic has proven that improved collaboration at a senior leadership level can make a significant positive impact to the experience and health outcomes of this cohort of people. The report proposed the establishment of a Somerset Homelessness Reduction Board that would sit within the governance framework of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board: - · Agreed to adopt the proposed Memorandum of Understanding - Improving Health and Care Through the Home in Somerset. · Approved the establishment of a Somerset Homelessness Reduction Board (HRB) to sit within the governance framework of the Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board. The HRB to be operational before or during February 2021. Minutes: The Board discussed a report from the Strategic Housing Group which proposed the establishment of a Homeless Reduction Board. The proposal arose from the paper discussed by the Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board in July 2020 entitled Rough Sleepers and Complex Homeless -Covid response, lessons learned and planning for the ... view the full minutes text for item 450. |
Fit For My Future Update-Review of Acute Mental Health Inpatient Beds PDF 55 KB To receive the reports and view the presentation. Additional documents:
Decision: The Board viewed a report on the Mental Health consultation. The detailed feedback on the consultation was presented.
Following up the consultation feedback, the next steps will be:
· Consideration given to the feedback from the consultation and the impact this has on the proposal taken to the public during the consultation. · Considering the findings of a travel sub-group to explore and identify options to mitigate the travel issues raised through the consultation · Collecting feedback from scrutiny committees and the Health and Wellbeing Board · Bringing a Decision-Making Business Case (DMBC) to the CCG Governing Body on 24th September.
The Board discussed the report in detail.
The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board: - · Welcomed the update and detailed report setting out the progress with the mental health consultation and the findings of the independent report compiled by Participate.
Minutes: The Board had seen a report on the Mental Health consultation. The detailed feedback on the consultation was presented. This confirmed that 538 surveys had been returned, 732 people attended the 63 events organised to promote and discuss the consultation, and 3,538 people were reached through a Facebook Live event. ... view the full minutes text for item 451. |
To receive the presentation. Decision: The Board had a presentation on the inspection of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision in Somerset. There was an inspection by Ofsted and the Quality Care Commission (CQC) in Merch 2020. The focus was conducted a joint inspection of the local area of Somerset to judge the effectiveness of the area in implementing the disability and special educational needs reforms as set out in the Children and Families Act 2014 as detailed in the SEND Code of Practice (2015). The inspectors identified significant concerns in relation to statutory duties which requires a Written Statement of Action (WSoA) by both the CCG and the Local Authority by the 30th of September (deadline was extended following the inevitable delays resulting from the pandemic).
The SEND Improvement Board are responsible for monitoring progress and are on track to submit the Written Statement of Action by the September 30th deadline and are confident that it will make a significant difference.
The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board: · Welcomed the update and asked to be kept informed of progress.
Minutes: The Board had a presentation on the inspection of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision in Somerset. There was an inspection by Ofsted and the Quality Care Commission (CQC) in Merch 2020. The focus was conducted a joint inspection of the local area of Somerset to judge the effectiveness ... view the full minutes text for item 452. |
Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board Work Programme PDF 51 KB To discuss any items for the work programme. To assist the discussion, attached is the Board’s current work programme. Decision: The Board agreed the forward Work Programme. Minutes: The Board agreed the Forward Work Programme. |
Any other urgent items of business The Chair may raise any items of urgent business. Decision: There were no other items of business. Minutes: There were no other items of business. |