Meeting documents
SCC Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board & Integrated Care Partnership
Thursday, 21st May, 2020 10.00 am
Venue: Virtual Meeting on Microsoft Teams
Contact: Jennie Murphy on 077905 77336 or email Julia Jones on 07790577232 or email
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Decision: James Rimmer informed the Board that he had recently been appointed as Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) for the ICS (Integrated Care Service) Somerset. Minutes: James Rimmer informed the Board that he had recently been appointed as Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) for the ICS (Integrated Care Service) Somerset. |
Minutes from the meeting held on 16 January 2020 PDF 94 KB The Board is asked to confirm the minutes are accurate. Decision: The minutes were agreed and signed. Minutes: The minutes were agreed and signed. |
Public Question Time The Chair will allow members of the public to ask a question or make a statement about any matter on the agenda for this meeting. Decision: There were some late questions from Mr Andrew Pope. As Mr Pope could not join the meeting, it was agreed to send the replies direct to him. Minutes: There were some late questions from Mr Andrew Pope. As Mr Pope could not join the meeting, it was agreed to send the replies direct to him. |
Virtual Meeting - Guidance PDF 74 KB To receive the report. Additional documents: Decision: The Chair started the meeting by thanking the previous Chair, Councillor Christine Lawrence, for the hard work she had given to the Board over the years and noted that they were going to be hard shoes to fill. The Board endorsed the thanks and wished her well.
The Board discussed a report that set out the procedure and guidance for new virtual meetings starting in May and for the foreseeable future. It outlined the new regulations that came into force on 4 April 2020 and the various considerations emerging from these and notes there are likely to be further updates and issues during this transition period.
The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board: · Considered the Procedure and Guidance on Virtual Meetings and agreed to adopting them and updating in the light of experience. Minutes: The Chair started the meeting by thanking the previous Chair, Councillor Christine Lawrence, for the hard work she had given to the Board over the years and noted that they were going to be hard shoes to fill. The Board endorsed the thanks and wished her well.
The Board discussed ... view the full minutes text for item 432. |
Covid 19 - Assurance PDF 76 KB To receive the report. Decision: The Board had a joint presentation on the Covid-19 response by Somerset County Council, the CCG and Avon and Somerset Police.
The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board agreed to keep endorsing and reiterating the Public Health message of: • Keep your distance • Keep washing your hands • Isolate for 7 days if you have symptoms (dry cough, fever or reduced taste sense of smell) • Do not go to work if you have symptoms
Minutes: The Board had a joint presentation on the Covid-19 response by Somerset County Council, the CCG and Avon and Somerset Police.
Background: • Health protection is part of the HWBB remit sitting alongside health improvement when considering the health and wellbeing of the population. A key element is preparation and ... view the full minutes text for item 433. |
Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board Work Programme PDF 51 KB To discuss any items for the work programme. To assist the discussion, attached is the Board’s current work programme. Decision: The Board looked at the Work Programme and agreed that all the items on the programme for the rest of the year had merit, but they now needed to be reconsidered in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic and some re-adjustment was needed. It was agreed that this would be discussed by the executive group. It was likely the next meeting would focus on the impact of Covid-19 and the actions taken by SCC and relevant partners to monitor and, where possible, mitigate longer term impact of Covid-19 on health, wellbeing and inequalities in defined population groups, e.g. children and young people as well as the elderly.
The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board agreed to submit suggestions for the Work Programme via the executive group and in consultation with Board Members.
Minutes: The Board looked at the Work Programme and agreed that all the items on the programme for the rest of the year had merit, but they now needed to be reconsidered in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic and some re-adjustment was needed. It was agreed that this would be ... view the full minutes text for item 434. |
Any other urgent items of business The Chair may raise any items of urgent business. Decision: There were no other items of business. Minutes: There were no other items of business. |