Meeting documents
SCC Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board & Integrated Care Partnership
Thursday, 21st March, 2019 11.00 am
Venue: Taunton Library Meeting Room, Taunton Library, Paul Street, Taunton, TA1 3XZ
Contact: Jennie Murphy on 01823 357628 or email or Julia Jones on 01823 359027 or email
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest |
Minutes from the meeting held on 17 January 2019 PDF 83 KB The Board is asked to confirm the minutes are accurate. |
Public Question Time The Chairman will allow members of the public to ask a question or make a statement about any matter on the agenda for this meeting. |
Somerset Housing Strategy PDF 82 KB To consider the report. Additional documents: |
Annual Director of Public Health Report PDF 82 KB To consider the report. Additional documents: |
Positive Mental Health PDF 73 KB To consider the report. Additional documents: |
Health and Care Integration PDF 81 KB To consider the report. Decision: Agenda Item 5 - Somerset Housing Strategy
The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board:
Endorsed the content of the Somerset Housing Strategy (SHS) (i.e. it’s Vision, Themes, Priorities and Objectives)
Supports the production of a SHS Delivery Plan that seeks to tackle the key strategic housing issues across the county.
Agenda Item 6 - Annual Public Health Report
The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board:
Agreed to:-
Agenda Item – 7 - Positive Mental Health
The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board :
1. Accepts the contents of the report and approves the recommendation of a refocused collaborative strategy. This strategy will include a new mental health model of delivery which puts greater emphasis on prevention and early intervention and to enable individuals to move within the new model as their needs change. The model will ensure current mental health services are safe and that it provides a platform to build parity with physical health services to deliver the Five Year Forward View for Mental Health.
Agenda Item 8 – Health and Care Integration
The Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board:
1. Received an update on the proposals as part of the overarching strategy and vision work in line with the Somerset Fit for My Future engagement plans.
Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board Forward Plan PDF 46 KB To discuss any items for the work programme. To assist the discussion, attached is the Board’s current work programme. |
Any other urgent items of business The Chairman may raise any items of urgent business. |