Meeting documents
SCC Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board & Integrated Care Partnership
Thursday, 27th September, 2018 11.00 am
Venue: Luttrell Room - County Hall, Taunton
Contact: Lindsey Tawse on 01823 355059 or Email: or Jamie Jackson on 01823 359040 or Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest |
Minutes from the meeting held on 12 July 2018 PDF 98 KB The Board is asked to confirm the minutes are accurate. |
Public Question Time The Chairman will allow members of the public to ask a question or make a statement about any matter on the agenda for this meeting. |
Somerset Health & Care Strategy Update PDF 194 KB To receive the report for information and assurance. Additional documents: |
Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) Joint Commissioning Strategy PDF 200 KB Report to follow. Additional documents:
Decision: The Somerset Health & Wellbeing Board: · Approved the Somerset SEND Joint Commissioning Strategy and are content it is aligned with the JSNA and Improving Lives Strategy. |
Healthwatch Somerset Update PDF 70 KB To receive the report for information. Decision: The Somerset Health & Wellbeing Board: · Noted the progress of Healthwatch Somerset against the agreed priorities in the 2018/19 workplan.
Cold Homes Quality Standard Review PDF 91 KB To receive the report for endorsement. Decision: The Somerset Health & Wellbeing Board: · Agreed that a county wide review of compliance with NICE Quality Standard QS117 on cold homes should be carried out to identify any areas for improvement. · Requested that all relevant partner organisations participate in the review.
Improving Lives Strategy PDF 93 KB To receive the report for endorsement. Additional documents:
Decision: The Somerset Health & Wellbeing Board: · Noted the results of the Improving Lives Strategy consultation output report. · Considered the final draft version of the Improving Lives Strategy and agreed the following proposals:
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Localities PDF 74 KB To receive the report for decision. Decision: The Somerset Health & Wellbeing Board: · Noted the interactive data tool. · Agreed that the subject of the 2018/19 JSNA should focus on data sharing and integration.
Any other urgent items of business The Chairman may raise any items of urgent business. |
Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board Forward Plan PDF 49 KB To discuss any items for the work programme. To assist the discussion, attached is the Board’s current work programme. Decision: The Somerset Health & Wellbeing Board agreed the following changes to the work programme: · To add an item on Sexual Health. · To add an item on the JSNA to the Jan 2019 meeting. · To move the Safer Somerset item from Jan 2019 to Nov 2018. · To take the STP and Health & Care strategy as one item at future meetings.