Meeting documents
SCC Heart of the South West Joint Committee
Friday, 12th March, 2021 12.00 pm
Venue: Teams On line meeting
Contact: Scott Wooldridge, Democratic Services, Somerset County Council 01823 357628
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To be received and recorded. |
Declarations of Interest To be reported and recorded. |
Minute of the previous Meeting PDF 158 KB The minutes of the meeting held on 29th January 2921 as an accurate record. Decision: The Committee approved the Minutes of the meeting held on 29 January 2021, subject to the following amendments: the Chair, Cllr Val Keitch being added to the apologies; Cllr Benet Allen being added to those present; and Cllr Tudor Evans being shown as having Chaired the meeting
Public Question Time The Chair will allow any members of the public who have registered to speak, 2 minutes to give their statement or ask questions. |
Endorsement of the Build Back Better Plan PDF 44 KB To consider and endorse the plan. Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee:
(a) endorsed the publication of the Build Back Better Plan as a tool to open a conversation with Government on the transformational opportunities in the area
(b) noted that the plan was still draft and agreed to delegate final sign off to the Chair
Endorsement of the HotSW Skills Plan PDF 112 KB To consider and endorse the Plan. Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee:
(a) noted the portrait of the skills environment outlined, both recent and ongoing challenges, but also the significant progress being made by local partners to address these
(b) agreed to endorse the draft Local Skills Report annexed to the main report
(c) agreed to endorse the pursuit of Trailblazer status for local areas, working closely with Chambers, FE and Training/Education providers and wider stakeholder partners to secure additional recognition of the strength of the area’s skills partnership approach and
(d) agreed to support the case for future funding of the HotSW Careers Hub, ideally through securing additional funding from Government, or through agreement of a sustained local approach
(The report author agreed to include/make specific reference to Taunton and Bridgwater in the geographical delivery areas)
Updates from HEROG, Coastal Communities Plan and Housing Task Force To receive the updates. Decision: The Committee noted these updates (and that a further update on the work of the Housing Task Force would be circulated after its upcoming meeting)
Communications and Engagement Update To receive an update from the Chair. Decision: The Committee noted the Chair’s update
Any Other Business Chair to raise any urgent matters of business. |
Date of next meeting All to note the dates of the next meetings:
25th June 2021 1st October 2021 Decision: The Committee noted the dates of its next scheduled meetings:
25 June 2021 1 October 2021